SELLING Near Perfect HAMMER (20% hp<50%) + mods



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: May 2005


Hall of the Necronomicon


-1 regen represents -0.5 energy/second. A hammer strikes 0.57 times/second. So the energy improvements on this weapon are marginal ONLY if the character attacks 100% of the time or successfully applies 'Crude Swing.'

The below 50% requirement as we know is ludicrous since in both pvp and pve, a warrior is rarely in that position.

The enchantment mod is good but by no means perfect.

Why did I post this searing criticism? Because the thread title represented this item as a 'near perfect' item. Bollucks I say.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Warrior Nation


well it is near perfect, and I would even buy it if it werent for the req. 13 :-(.
thats just one over acceptable. But the damage mod is perfect. so for a dedicated hammer warrior this could be a nice essential piece to a set.