Please Move Storage at Granite Citadel
Night Daftshadow
I highly suggest relocating the storage to a more convenient location like somewhere closer to where the armor seller and merchant are at. There's that empty space just behind the henchies. That would be a nice spot.
Sounds good. In certain towns the storage is so far away from me I just map to another town just to use the storage there. Call me lazy!
I agree, it's highly inconvienient where it's at. Granted it's a nice view and the fortress makes for good, realistic scenery... but it's a pain in the butt running all the way up there to drop stuff off. However... I'd much rather have ANet focusing on bigger fish than this one. :P
well i hardly visit this outpost, but i guess it would be a good idea, the first time i went there i spent like ten minutes just trying to find the storage.. then i was disapointed that i had to go up all the stairs for little to nothing... however i think Anet is a little busy to be worring about that now.. sadly they have farmers sticking pitchforks up their yoo-haws and they would be angry if anet did this and didnt make it rain golds... but maybe in the less whiny future...
There are alot of towns that i simply avoid because of the same issue.
If i log into ascalon, i'm always going straight to piken...especially if i spawn next to tydus.
I think the worst storage location has to be droknars forge. URGH!!1
If i log into ascalon, i'm always going straight to piken...especially if i spawn next to tydus.
I think the worst storage location has to be droknars forge. URGH!!1
Maybe you should talk to the guys that run the Xunlai company, about placing their storages in more customer-friendly locations. Or it might be that they don't care anymore, as you have already payed your 50 gold, and there are no monthly fees for continuing use of their storage
. In the future Xunlai may provide expansions to the available storage, but then you'll have to pay again, of course.

I think that Xunlai is an extremely antisocial and commercially-retarded business... if they were a real business they would have died long ago...
Xunlai needs to be as close as reasonably possible to the merchant in every town.
spacing things out does not give the illusion of a large area, only a widely-spaced area (important difference). for the illusion of a large area, do as in Ascalon Settlement or pre-seared Ascalon and have loads of irrelevent npcs at every turn.
edit: I would pay 200% more for a 50% storage increase...
Xunlai needs to be as close as reasonably possible to the merchant in every town.
spacing things out does not give the illusion of a large area, only a widely-spaced area (important difference). for the illusion of a large area, do as in Ascalon Settlement or pre-seared Ascalon and have loads of irrelevent npcs at every turn.
edit: I would pay 200% more for a 50% storage increase...
I think the services if Xunlai are extremely cheap. They are able to transport all your stuff within seconds from one location to another. Or maybe all your stuff is kept in some higher-dimensional portal that can be accessed from anywhere? Maybe that's why they're always in remote locations of the city, because they need huge nuclear generators to keep those portals alive.
That's a good point... but considering what Anet can do with my 50 gold, I don't think it's too much to ask for Xunlai to take a run out to where these generators are located and haul the stuff a bit closer to the merchant (which I would also pay additional cash for...)
ACtually, that would be cool, and funny.
Pay 50 gold for the "basic account" with 25 slots and located at the "Xunlai Transfer Portal" or pay 1 plat for the "collectors account" (oddly fitting name really) that has 50 slots and your stuff is carried by the agents to a location very near to the merchant in each town and outpost (and your guildhall
ACtually, that would be cool, and funny.
Pay 50 gold for the "basic account" with 25 slots and located at the "Xunlai Transfer Portal" or pay 1 plat for the "collectors account" (oddly fitting name really) that has 50 slots and your stuff is carried by the agents to a location very near to the merchant in each town and outpost (and your guildhall

Swarnt Brightstar
Please and thank you XD
No fun running accross the world at droknars or amnoon...
No fun running accross the world at droknars or amnoon...