Originally Posted by InvaderGIR
Ming bu ming ma?
Don't try to play smart when there are smarter.
Haung Yu
Originally Posted by InvaderGIR
Ming bu ming ma?
Sagius Truthbarron
Detis Zan
Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Detis Zan
Having just read this whole thread.. I feel like my brain just drained itself...
Bots, Naions, and Dialects? Oh my! This thread seems to be nothing but a whole Naionality fight and the difference in how people talk or use their original language... I was curious about bots in general... Not what kind they are or who's running them.. -.o; I mean... seriously it's good to have your pride in your country and defending it. But it's a little true that there ARE bots in the game. Okay so Chinese "Bots" are actual people that happen to play a lot and prefer to use their own language... Okie Dokie that's one's opinion...count...one. So there are many people that seem like bots but that doesn't change the fact there are still Chinese bots or French or whatever. The whole thing about defending one's originality/nationality is pretty stupid in general... in a video game some people may be obsessed with.. Okay it's wrong to say "ALL BOTS ARE CHINESE THAT'S BAD!" Yes I can understand anyone getting pissed about that... (Even though it's still just a game) I'm just surprised that this whole thread went upside down simply because of misunderstanding, editing, quoting, and judging... |
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
1. I'm not Chinese
2. I don't have any Chinese relitives 3. I have no ties with the Chinese at all, neither had I really had any desire to learn the Chinese language untill all this whining about how we should ban all the Chinese people started. 3. I'm not mad about people saying that there are Chinese bots or that all Bots are Chinese (Which I have yet to hear, exactly). I'm mad about people saying that all Chinese people in the game are bots. The thread was meant to be about how not all Chinese people are botting. |
Originally Posted by Haung Yu
InvaderGIR, "ming bu ming ma" doesn't make sense at all in Chinese. It's like saying "Do you under?" If you're trying to say "Do you understand", then it should be "ming bu ming bai?"
Don't try to play smart when there are smarter. |
Haung Yu