resource hunters (mining, hunting, fishing) re-examined
I know a lot of people don't like this idea... most of the reasons involve complications of need, supply of resources, exploitation, etc... (despite most of the stated reasons being "that's stoopid...zorz...") So here I present the solution to the following problems-
-exploitable via bots
-destructive to economy
-people would be forced on some way to do this when they don't want to
I know that this topic has been discussed on several threads, but here, instead of just asking that it be included and then submitting to pages of flames and irrelevent shouts of "go play runescape" I've thought of a function that would allow it to work... require enough planning and focus that it wouldn't be a feasible farm option, require enough player sacrifice and interactivity that it wouldn't be expoited by bots, allow unique items and uses for other items that it could add depth to the shallow economy and keep the rewards at a minimal enough level that nobody would HAVE to do it.
I propose that the following
be available as secondary professions.
They would have their own attributes, skill sets and "weapons". This would mean that not everybody would want to do them since it would mean sacrificing attribute points, slots in your skill bar and slots in your inventory AND all the skills that would be available to you in your secondary class.
You would be able to drop your secondary and take up one of these classes right in Post or Pre-searing ascalon (but you would still need to reach the Crystal Desert to take a soldier's secondary, ie. mes/mo/n/w/ele/r). Perhaps even you would need to be in a special area to take these secondaries.
Pre-Ascalon = All
Shiverpeaks = mining
Kryta = hunting
Maguuma = logging
Riverside = fishing
Here is an example of what could be involved for... say, a fisher...
Class (secondary only) Fisher
(affects the quality and size of different creatures you can catch, and relative skills)
(affects the amount of time needed to find suitable areas and to catch/bring in a targetted creature, as well as the odds on finding a specifically desired creature)
(this skill would likely be involved for all classes - affects the amount of resources you can harvest from each creature caught, as well as the efficiency of items harvested)
-attach bait (passive skill, allows a chosen bait to be double clicked in your inventory to increase the chances of catching certain creatures)
-attach lure (increases chances of catching a creature)
-cast line (basic skill, must be used to throw the line in the water, higher level means further distance, and therefore better creatures)
-draw line (pull the line back in, helps in attracting creatures and also is a low energy, less effective way to reel in caught creatures)
-slap water (cause a water level explosion to stun creatures in the water, adds a sharp bonus to drawing in a caught creature)
These are just 5, and these only related to fishing itself, not to curing (which should require several) nor to any of the other proposed secondaries.
Items required:
-pole (1 slot)
-bait (1 slot per bait, stackable)
-bucket (to be used for un-prepared or un-cleaned fish)
Types of materials salvaged
-scales (of course)
-cured fish strips (to be used for temporary +to either health or energy... say double click for +10 health for 60 seconds non-stackable)
-oil (don't know an application for it yet)
-silver dye (rare salvage... more rare than drops)
The materials salvaged could be sought after and perhaps even refined using the salvage attribute and skills. To make things more pressing perhaps you would lose your fish if you enter a city without processing it (due to rot perhaps) this would mean that you'd have to equip skills for catching the fish AND equip skills for processing the fish before leaving.
This also means that as a fisher, I am more vulnerable to enemy attack, so to fish in the really really great places (South of Droknar for example) I would need significant help in getting there, thus adding to the teamwork of guilds and adding a new (and some might argue, practical/worthy) function for the plentiful taxi services.
-exploitable via bots
-destructive to economy
-people would be forced on some way to do this when they don't want to
I know that this topic has been discussed on several threads, but here, instead of just asking that it be included and then submitting to pages of flames and irrelevent shouts of "go play runescape" I've thought of a function that would allow it to work... require enough planning and focus that it wouldn't be a feasible farm option, require enough player sacrifice and interactivity that it wouldn't be expoited by bots, allow unique items and uses for other items that it could add depth to the shallow economy and keep the rewards at a minimal enough level that nobody would HAVE to do it.
I propose that the following
be available as secondary professions.
They would have their own attributes, skill sets and "weapons". This would mean that not everybody would want to do them since it would mean sacrificing attribute points, slots in your skill bar and slots in your inventory AND all the skills that would be available to you in your secondary class.
You would be able to drop your secondary and take up one of these classes right in Post or Pre-searing ascalon (but you would still need to reach the Crystal Desert to take a soldier's secondary, ie. mes/mo/n/w/ele/r). Perhaps even you would need to be in a special area to take these secondaries.
Pre-Ascalon = All
Shiverpeaks = mining
Kryta = hunting
Maguuma = logging
Riverside = fishing
Here is an example of what could be involved for... say, a fisher...
Class (secondary only) Fisher
(affects the quality and size of different creatures you can catch, and relative skills)
(affects the amount of time needed to find suitable areas and to catch/bring in a targetted creature, as well as the odds on finding a specifically desired creature)
(this skill would likely be involved for all classes - affects the amount of resources you can harvest from each creature caught, as well as the efficiency of items harvested)
-attach bait (passive skill, allows a chosen bait to be double clicked in your inventory to increase the chances of catching certain creatures)
-attach lure (increases chances of catching a creature)
-cast line (basic skill, must be used to throw the line in the water, higher level means further distance, and therefore better creatures)
-draw line (pull the line back in, helps in attracting creatures and also is a low energy, less effective way to reel in caught creatures)
-slap water (cause a water level explosion to stun creatures in the water, adds a sharp bonus to drawing in a caught creature)
These are just 5, and these only related to fishing itself, not to curing (which should require several) nor to any of the other proposed secondaries.
Items required:
-pole (1 slot)
-bait (1 slot per bait, stackable)
-bucket (to be used for un-prepared or un-cleaned fish)
Types of materials salvaged
-scales (of course)
-cured fish strips (to be used for temporary +to either health or energy... say double click for +10 health for 60 seconds non-stackable)
-oil (don't know an application for it yet)
-silver dye (rare salvage... more rare than drops)
The materials salvaged could be sought after and perhaps even refined using the salvage attribute and skills. To make things more pressing perhaps you would lose your fish if you enter a city without processing it (due to rot perhaps) this would mean that you'd have to equip skills for catching the fish AND equip skills for processing the fish before leaving.
This also means that as a fisher, I am more vulnerable to enemy attack, so to fish in the really really great places (South of Droknar for example) I would need significant help in getting there, thus adding to the teamwork of guilds and adding a new (and some might argue, practical/worthy) function for the plentiful taxi services.
i'm with u
altho anet has been slow with changes recently.
btw i only p v e, never p v p.
altho anet has been slow with changes recently.
btw i only p v e, never p v p.
They're even more slow with non-crucial changes... but this could add some nice depth to the game and give it a longer life span for PvE players

That seems like an awful lot of complexity for something like this.
I would think it would be less likely to be implemented the more complex you make it.
'Cured Fish Strips'- There's a reason there aren't healing potion items in this game. If there already was such an item, you'd be justified in saying "hey, here's another way to get this!" As is, a new way to get an entirely new item with unbalancing potential (imagine PvErs using this in Tombs matches) does not seem like a point in your favor.
If your goal is to make this so intensive that you have to plan to do it, and the rewards low enough that it's not a better alternative to farming, why do you want this so much?
I would think it would be less likely to be implemented the more complex you make it.
'Cured Fish Strips'- There's a reason there aren't healing potion items in this game. If there already was such an item, you'd be justified in saying "hey, here's another way to get this!" As is, a new way to get an entirely new item with unbalancing potential (imagine PvErs using this in Tombs matches) does not seem like a point in your favor.
If your goal is to make this so intensive that you have to plan to do it, and the rewards low enough that it's not a better alternative to farming, why do you want this so much?
There are many things which could be mined too.
Oil, gold, silver, gels, crystals, powders, stones, diamond, all the metals in the table of elements...Anet could even make new substances etc from imagination.
Tools required..
Basic detector - for basic materials (iron ore etc)
Advanced detector for exotic substances - rare materials (Tyrian bonding gel
Extractors..these get the resources from the ground in ore form.
Refiners. Turns ore into ingots for resale/usage.
I like the idea in general but disapprove of it being a new class. I wouldn't want to lose a profession only to replace it with fishing/mining etc.
It would be much better in my humble opinion if people could keep the current system but choose a hobby profession to have.
For example... W/Mo/L - warrior/monk/logger etc.
It wouldn't interfer with peoples ability to solo on their own...switch to weapon set number 2 when they want a bit of mining.
An interface pops up which is the mining detector.
Press a button on the detector to drop a probe/bomb and the detector tells you if you have found any resources nearby.
Move to the spot (like a modern day metal detector) and switch to your extractor.
All the time, you would be excited because you wouldn't know what it was until it's extracted (unless perhaps with experience in mining, the detector shows you what the resource is).
Perhaps (a big perhaps) anet could use these trade ideas as a way to introduce grind for those who seek it.
I for one am one of those people and i know there are more around here
Mining XP increase your chances of extracting faster, efficiently etc.
I hope some new features like this get implemented...things are rather flat at the end game.
Would i pay for a purely "mining, fishing, logging, crafting" expansion pack? Yes.
/i agree x5
My characters also agree. They told me they want hobbies during peacetime.
They want a break after clearing a zone of enemies!!
Damn, that ruby necklace looks good!
Oil, gold, silver, gels, crystals, powders, stones, diamond, all the metals in the table of elements...Anet could even make new substances etc from imagination.
Tools required..
Basic detector - for basic materials (iron ore etc)
Advanced detector for exotic substances - rare materials (Tyrian bonding gel

Extractors..these get the resources from the ground in ore form.
Refiners. Turns ore into ingots for resale/usage.
I like the idea in general but disapprove of it being a new class. I wouldn't want to lose a profession only to replace it with fishing/mining etc.
It would be much better in my humble opinion if people could keep the current system but choose a hobby profession to have.
For example... W/Mo/L - warrior/monk/logger etc.
It wouldn't interfer with peoples ability to solo on their own...switch to weapon set number 2 when they want a bit of mining.
An interface pops up which is the mining detector.
Press a button on the detector to drop a probe/bomb and the detector tells you if you have found any resources nearby.
Move to the spot (like a modern day metal detector) and switch to your extractor.
All the time, you would be excited because you wouldn't know what it was until it's extracted (unless perhaps with experience in mining, the detector shows you what the resource is).
Perhaps (a big perhaps) anet could use these trade ideas as a way to introduce grind for those who seek it.
I for one am one of those people and i know there are more around here

Mining XP increase your chances of extracting faster, efficiently etc.
I hope some new features like this get implemented...things are rather flat at the end game.
Would i pay for a purely "mining, fishing, logging, crafting" expansion pack? Yes.
/i agree x5
My characters also agree. They told me they want hobbies during peacetime.
They want a break after clearing a zone of enemies!!
Damn, that ruby necklace looks good!
If you want this, you should probably consider another game that isn't GW (Like, say, WoW). A.Net deliberately sought to eliminate this sort of thing in the game (and stated as much in interviews). Why do you think material traders exist? GW is designed to be combat focused.
Originally Posted by Kishin
If you want this, you should probably consider another game that isn't GW (Like, say, WoW). A.Net deliberately sought to eliminate this sort of thing in the game (and stated as much in interviews). Why do you think material traders exist? GW is designed to be combat focused.
I see no harm in agreeing to a great idea and trying to support it...especially one that adds much needed fun to the game.
Needs end game fun? Yes it does. Ask ArenaNet..they said that too.
I love ideas that make the world more free im so with u i love these fun ideas, yet i feel its not gona get far either as i said in the other post... i wish they did, prob a large portion of the people who play gw only play cause of no monthly fee, or else wed seriously probably be playing WoW, please a net add some new ''fun'' things to guild wars to give us more pleasure in playing,and more things to look forward to as we advance
Jaythen Tyradel
IF implemented properly, this can be a fun side quest to do to take a break from playing the missions or quests.
I would be against it results in:
Wood plank of non splintering! 50k!
Iron ore from Greneth's crack! Really strong! 1 piece for 5k!
However, if catching fish, mining or logging is done as a side job to earn cash in reasonably rewarding amounts, I'm for it.
Heck, along with the housing idea in another thread, one could do these jobs in order to bulid and furnish a house. Not sure if material should be traded in order to help avoid botting and over farming for those who just want to sell material.
I would be against it results in:
Wood plank of non splintering! 50k!
Iron ore from Greneth's crack! Really strong! 1 piece for 5k!
However, if catching fish, mining or logging is done as a side job to earn cash in reasonably rewarding amounts, I'm for it.
Heck, along with the housing idea in another thread, one could do these jobs in order to bulid and furnish a house. Not sure if material should be traded in order to help avoid botting and over farming for those who just want to sell material.
this is just plain a bad idea for gw. the material trader has already destroyed the resource economy. with this, you would NEVER have to buy resources! have each of ur 4 characters have a different "hobbie" proffesion. then people would have massive amounts of money, and bam, gw dies
"requests from roleplayers have included town clothes, recreational pursuits like fishing and cooking, unique items, and special places reserved for roleplaying"
OMG Anet is listening to us! while fishing we need to be attacked by crocodiles,
or have the creep eat our fish first.
Fish Species
- bass
- halibut/flounder
- barricuda
- shark: skin can be used to make armor. teeth can be made into jewelry
make it so we have to eat 2x/day. say we have 5 iron rations in the pack. a menu pops up when you are hungry. do you eat yes/no...
then that ties in with fishing/cooking.
oh & rangers should be able to forage & butcher bears, bulls...deer...
*2nd/3rd Class
i vote to have it replace the 2nd class. 3 classes would be too confusing.
our 2nd classes already make us more powerful.
but for ex. War/Fisher... never goes hungry. war/monk/fish... a warrior that can heal himself gee.
OMG Anet is listening to us! while fishing we need to be attacked by crocodiles,
or have the creep eat our fish first.
Fish Species
- bass
- halibut/flounder
- barricuda
- shark: skin can be used to make armor. teeth can be made into jewelry
make it so we have to eat 2x/day. say we have 5 iron rations in the pack. a menu pops up when you are hungry. do you eat yes/no...
then that ties in with fishing/cooking.
oh & rangers should be able to forage & butcher bears, bulls...deer...
*2nd/3rd Class
i vote to have it replace the 2nd class. 3 classes would be too confusing.
our 2nd classes already make us more powerful.
but for ex. War/Fisher... never goes hungry. war/monk/fish... a warrior that can heal himself gee.
i'm sorry i fail to see what this to do in this game
, if you want to get out of the guild wars univers and start imitating real life situations, why don't you get a copy of the sims?

A few people who are against this idea have stated reasons that I've already nullified in the opening post-
1- if it's so complicated and not rewarding why do you want it? A: It requires so much focus and planning so that it's not feasible for it to be botted nor farmed. It simply serves to add much needed depth and distraction to the game.
2- you would never have to buy resources, economy already screwed up A: This would be a distraction, like a mini-game. The fun would be in doing it not in acquiring resources. Thus the gains would be less than if you farmed and salvaged for wood, scales, iron, etc.
1- if it's so complicated and not rewarding why do you want it? A: It requires so much focus and planning so that it's not feasible for it to be botted nor farmed. It simply serves to add much needed depth and distraction to the game.
2- you would never have to buy resources, economy already screwed up A: This would be a distraction, like a mini-game. The fun would be in doing it not in acquiring resources. Thus the gains would be less than if you farmed and salvaged for wood, scales, iron, etc.
these changes probably will require a big time investment from GWs. but it will pay off in the end.
the more rich we make our environs, we will rival EQ2, wow, & DAoC.
the more rich we make our environs, we will rival EQ2, wow, & DAoC.
Do you really think A.Net will do this? They've eliminated every possible form of botting by destroying everything it could possibly be tied to. This could easily be abused by any sort of idiot-made macro imaginable.
no no no
guild wars is not world of warcraft
stop trying to make it so
guild wars is not world of warcraft
stop trying to make it so