Hi guys just clearing out my inv.
So my rules are pretty simple i reserve the right not to sell if i don't think the price is good enough. I also reserve the right to sell a item in game. I am giving at least two days for the items to be picked up otherwise i will sell the items to the next highest bidder providing it meets a price i like.
- Tower Shield (Gold)
Armour +14 (8 Stregth)
Rcvd Dmg: -2 While Enchanted
- Heavy Giant Slayer Hammer of Shelter (Gold)
Blunt Dmg: 19-35 (11 Hammer Mastery)
Dmg +14 (while enchanted)
Lenghtens Weakness Duration on Foe
Armour +16 (vs physical)
- Ebon Longow (Gold)
Earth Dmg 13-25 (9 Markmanship)
Dmg +17 (while hexed)
- Vampire War Hammer of Shelter (Blue)
Blunt Dmg 15-24 (5 Hammer Mastery)
Life Steal 1
Health Regen -1
Armor +4 (vs physical attacks)
- Bow Grip of Fortitude
+20 Health
- Hammer Grip of Fortitude
+21 Health
- Hammer Grip of Warding
+4 Armour (vs elemental attacks)
Clearing out my Inv