15 attribute quest..
can someone tell me where to get the second 15 attribute quest (near dronkard somewhere) and what prerequisits for it arE?
If you've done the one where you have to go right to the south of the desert then you have to do one of the secondary proffesion changing quests and talk to Vanyi in Droknars Forge.
If you have completed the 15 point quest in the desert (Vanyi --->desert--->talked to various ghosts and completed their tasks and MAYBE changed secondaries--->met with the arcane snake guys for the 15 points), then go back to Vanyi. She will ask you to go to the Frozen Forest (?) outside of the Ironhammer Mines and find her sister. Find her sister and do what she asks you to do. That's the second 15 point attribute quest.

Numa Pompilius
...and it's just a TAD harder than the first one.
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
...and it's just a TAD harder than the first one.

So i did the one that gives me +15 points after her sister turned evil blah blah blah, how do i do the second that tells me to go to seekers, destiny's, and heros? i visited all those places but i didnt get +15
There's a quest in Destiny Gorge that gives you a quest. Finish that quest and the Forgotten one will give you another quest for the attribute points to finish.