Well thats odd!
A day after the BWE ended I logged into the game just to see what happend.
What happened was that I got a message that my Account was all setup for the release of the game and that I should return after release to activate it.
Now, because of some paranoia on my side I logged in today, to make sure I hadn't forgotten my password and username (which, yes, I also have written down but as I said, paranoia :P ).
But this time I didn't get the 'account all set up' message but instead got the BWE form where you can put in your BWE code for the 15-17 April BWE.
Now I am wondering if my account somehow 'lost' the flag that it had participated in the BWE and is eligible for the beta bonus thingy you get when having preordered the game?
A day after the BWE ended I logged into the game just to see what happend.
What happened was that I got a message that my Account was all setup for the release of the game and that I should return after release to activate it.
Now, because of some paranoia on my side I logged in today, to make sure I hadn't forgotten my password and username (which, yes, I also have written down but as I said, paranoia :P ).
But this time I didn't get the 'account all set up' message but instead got the BWE form where you can put in your BWE code for the 15-17 April BWE.
Now I am wondering if my account somehow 'lost' the flag that it had participated in the BWE and is eligible for the beta bonus thingy you get when having preordered the game?
and did u input your beta key? if yes what happened...
its probably the wipe and u just need to input the beta key for 27th early access.
its probably the wipe and u just need to input the beta key for 27th early access.
Not to worry, Lilaea; everyone's loggin attempts are showing the same thing. ArenaNet is probably in the process of setting things up for next week's full release when everyone will be entering keys for access. I'm just going to be patient and see what transpires. There are other threads on GWG about this that you may want to peruse, also.
Mario 64 Master
Your account has already registered this key. Please keep the key in a safe place; you can use it later to retrieve your password or to obtain support. (Err=119) |
HAHAHAHA! Dude, did you notice the language settings for Bork!Bork!Bork!
If you try to log in with that on, it crashes.
If you try to log in with that on, it crashes.
Bork sounds like pork is it some type of amphibious pig like language that originated in the everglades of florida?
William of Orange
If you're kidding, then I'm sorry in advance.
If you're serious about thinking it's "some type of amphibious pig language," than I'm sorry as well. All it is is that they changed the name of the language option Swedish Chef to Bork, Bork, Bork.
If you're serious about thinking it's "some type of amphibious pig language," than I'm sorry as well. All it is is that they changed the name of the language option Swedish Chef to Bork, Bork, Bork.
Ander Deathblade
rofl @ amphibious pig. That's hilarious
Rushing Wind
Originally Posted by The_Communist
is it some type of amphibious pig like language that originated in the everglades of florida?
Until there is actual knowledge that something is wrong with the client, don't let these errors bother you.
It is my opinion that Arena.net is testing the release key entry software and we are signing during this process. Of course our keys will yield the exact messages we been getting "that key has redunant rights," that key already registered to this account," etc. They have 5 days to test it so it only made sense to me and set aside any concerns about the 27th. I believe if there was a genuine problem Gaile Gray will be posting something here or there will be some kinda new article that the official sites like Guru will be told to point us at by sticky.
Hope this was at least a little comforting.
It is my opinion that Arena.net is testing the release key entry software and we are signing during this process. Of course our keys will yield the exact messages we been getting "that key has redunant rights," that key already registered to this account," etc. They have 5 days to test it so it only made sense to me and set aside any concerns about the 27th. I believe if there was a genuine problem Gaile Gray will be posting something here or there will be some kinda new article that the official sites like Guru will be told to point us at by sticky.
Hope this was at least a little comforting.
Galatea Orea
What's that you say? They removed Swedish Chef from the languages? Holy Toledo! How will I now communicate with my soul mates!!!

ya same i tried to login today and it tried to make me input my beta key and then when i did it said already in use... so i guess it just means they wiped it or somthing
I know what your and everyone's problem is: you're logging on and expecting something when you shouldn't be.
Heck, the login screen should be a picture of the finger untill the 27th if i had it my way, of course the testers would have to put up with it though.
Heck, the login screen should be a picture of the finger untill the 27th if i had it my way, of course the testers would have to put up with it though.