Superior Rune of Vigor: a big joke?
The Stealth Ranger
Isn't 40 platinum for 10 extra health, compared to the major rune, completely and utterly ridiculous? In my opinion it is. I mean what is 10 extra health in a furious battle. A split second. Almost nothing. And for that you have to pay 40p! I mean in real life that would be called lousy marketing. That's a product only complete idiots would buy.
Of course it's something, but I think ArenaNet really had a weak moment here. Why not make it a significant increase of +25 or more? Why so hilariously low?
Of course it's something, but I think ArenaNet really had a weak moment here. Why not make it a significant increase of +25 or more? Why so hilariously low?
Er...only 10 health? I think it's more like 50 health or something like that.
crazy diamond
Last time I checked those things weren't even available at the rune trader anymore.
If you're talking about players selling it for that much, ain't a whole lot that can be done about it.
I'm pretty sure he's refering to the 10 health more that it has when compared to the Major Vigor rune.
If you're talking about players selling it for that much, ain't a whole lot that can be done about it.
Originally Posted by PieXags
Er...only 10 health? I think it's more like 50 health or something like that.
The Stealth Ranger
Er...only 10 health? I think it's more like 50 health or something like that. |
Nick The Nicker
hmmmmmm it gives +50 to life
elite elemtist
its not a joke, considering i found my first superier rune yesterday and it was a super vigor, i love it, its plus 50 health and even if ur not gonna use it or buy one, u can allways sell it and get 40k?
elite elemtist
lol everyone apart from me who has posted is a R/E?
The Stealth Ranger
Last time I checked those things weren't even available at the rune trader anymore. |
crazy diamond
I seem to be the only one who understood that he meant its only +10 more life than the Major Vigor, not that its just +10 extra life.
Money sink for the Unwise. And for the eBayers, too. (Who are the lowest grade of "unwise", anyway.)
The Stealth Ranger
its not a joke, considering i found my first superier rune yesterday and it was a super vigor, i love it, its plus 50 health and even if ur not gonna use it or buy one, u can allways sell it and get 40k? |
crazy diamond
Originally Posted by Sunyi
Money sink for the Unwise. And for the eBayers, too. (Who are the lowest grade of "unwise", anyway.)
No, it's definitely not worth to buy one - I found one and I am happy with that, but 40k is way over the top for 10 additional health. It's the difference between a lucky and an unlucky shot that hits you, that's all.
I think it is worth unlocking with faction, that is about it.
Ipillo Wupwup
I'm playing my fifth character now (deleted the first one to make room for a new one) and found 3 superior vigors so far (or was it 4?)... Still, all my charakters use only major vigors - why should I use the rune for crappy 10 more health when I can get 40k for it?
Actually the Hale Holy Staff Of Fortitude my monk uses gives me +57 health... more than any rune could ever do... That combined with a major vigor rune counters the -75 from superior healing prayers quite easily...
Actually the Hale Holy Staff Of Fortitude my monk uses gives me +57 health... more than any rune could ever do... That combined with a major vigor rune counters the -75 from superior healing prayers quite easily...
actually its only 9 more... major gives 41 as far as i know (tested it a while ago, maybe updated)
anyhow, i played for more than 750 hours since release - and there was no superior vigor at all; but i am patient... i lost my first 18 runes into the material pool, and no19 finally came out of that darn armor. i guess it was just bad luck, but pretty annoying sometimes when i found sth my ele would have been able to use...
anyhow, i played for more than 750 hours since release - and there was no superior vigor at all; but i am patient... i lost my first 18 runes into the material pool, and no19 finally came out of that darn armor. i guess it was just bad luck, but pretty annoying sometimes when i found sth my ele would have been able to use...
For PvE equipment is meaningless. You can get through almost everything with makeshift equipment easily. A "GODLY SWORD OF +30HP!!!" is only a crutch for the incompetent in PvE. Just nab a minor or major and you are fine. In PvP every bit of HP is useful and it is worth unlocking.
Every tiny bit counts ! 
Of course, you're right on the point that paying 40K for just 10 Health is pretty stupid, but what if you already have anything else? You shouldn't buy a Superior Vigor/Absorption rune untill you got enough money for it, and are, except (one of) those runes, done with your character.

Of course, you're right on the point that paying 40K for just 10 Health is pretty stupid, but what if you already have anything else? You shouldn't buy a Superior Vigor/Absorption rune untill you got enough money for it, and are, except (one of) those runes, done with your character.
The thing I don't understand is that I have a rune of major vigor and it's worth 25G. Does that make any sense? So a superior is worth 40P and a major 25 measly gold? Will I get more cash if I try to sell the major rune?
I have been avoiding selling to other people and going to the vendors, because it seems I can try to sell something for hrs. and get no reponses.
I have been avoiding selling to other people and going to the vendors, because it seems I can try to sell something for hrs. and get no reponses.
Originally Posted by fezz47
So a superior is worth 40P and a major 25 measly gold? Will I get more cash if I try to sell the major rune?
I have been avoiding selling to other people and going to the vendors, because it seems I can try to sell something for hrs. and get no reponses. |
i could but half a dozen superiors but why?.........

accually its only a 9 life difference majors gives 41 hp not 40 as most people seem to think.
i've said the exact same thing for long time. its a groove that has been dug by other games. you have to have "the" best stuff or else its junk. i just laugh and sell my sup vigors to the idoits that will buy them.
the same can be said about enchanting upgrades. i bought a 18% sword pommel for 10K while 20% where going for 35-40k. since the monk farming build you'll probly see that price double for the 20% but you won't see the 18% move that much. do you really think that 2% is going to make an enchantment of 10 sec last that much longer? no its not. only difference that 2% will make is on spells that have a 30 or 60 sec duration. even then its only about 1-2 sec longer.
so i just do what i always do. sell the stuff at inflated prices and laugh all the way to my storage.
i've said the exact same thing for long time. its a groove that has been dug by other games. you have to have "the" best stuff or else its junk. i just laugh and sell my sup vigors to the idoits that will buy them.
the same can be said about enchanting upgrades. i bought a 18% sword pommel for 10K while 20% where going for 35-40k. since the monk farming build you'll probly see that price double for the 20% but you won't see the 18% move that much. do you really think that 2% is going to make an enchantment of 10 sec last that much longer? no its not. only difference that 2% will make is on spells that have a 30 or 60 sec duration. even then its only about 1-2 sec longer.
so i just do what i always do. sell the stuff at inflated prices and laugh all the way to my storage.
Originally Posted by The Stealth Ranger
Isn't 40 platinum for 10 extra health, compared to the major rune, completely and utterly ridiculous? In my opinion it is. I mean what is 10 extra health in a furious battle. A split second. Almost nothing. And for that you have to pay 40p! I mean in real life that would be called lousy marketing. That's a product only complete idiots would buy.
Of course it's something, but I think ArenaNet really had a weak moment here. Why not make it a significant increase of +25 or more? Why so hilariously low? |
ohh and to the post above me im just like that i like near perfect items that go for cheap
It doesn't matter if you have any vigor runes in PvE at all. While Warriors may believe they need it, they only truly need it if they're playing PvP. And then, it's probably better to just unlock the superior rune via faction points.
Funny, I used to always think that Major Vigors gave 50 and Superior gave 75. I guess I'm wrong.
Funny, I used to always think that Major Vigors gave 50 and Superior gave 75. I guess I'm wrong.
+20HP Bow upgrade for 1K. +30HP for 90K? 89K for +10 health? What a Joke?
9% Sundering for 15K. 10% for 70K? 55K for 1% better chance? What a Joke?
List Goes on.
Its not a joke. People have too much money and need a way to spend it. Perfect items /upgrades/runes are the way to do it. Superior Vigor should be about 70K(around the price before the rune traders made a mess of everything) to be an effective gold sink.
+20HP Bow upgrade for 1K. +30HP for 90K? 89K for +10 health? What a Joke?
9% Sundering for 15K. 10% for 70K? 55K for 1% better chance? What a Joke?
List Goes on.
Its not a joke. People have too much money and need a way to spend it. Perfect items /upgrades/runes are the way to do it. Superior Vigor should be about 70K(around the price before the rune traders made a mess of everything) to be an effective gold sink.
nooby nooby
Nothing to do about it besides it's just a game that has no monthly fee give it a chance, and just play it. Got a problem with that?Then dont play it!Oh yeah and also you can get a life if you have time.
Stop complaining they use to be 100k
The Stealth Ranger
Seeing the hostile reactions. Oh yes, just like I figured: only complete idiots would buy it
If anything, if there really was a big difference between Minor (which you should buy), Major (which you may buy) or Superior (which you should definitely wait for till you find and then sell), the pricedifferences wouldn't be large, they would be astronomical.
Say, if Minor was +30hp, Major +60hp and Superior +90hp, then the prices would be something along the lines of, oh, I dunno, respectively 1k, 100k and 100M (yes, I know the cap is 1M 100k).
Just look at Absorption for Warriors. There -1, -2 and -3 really does make a big difference (still not as much as if it were -1, -3 and -7 or something), the prices are already skyrocketing.
Say, if Minor was +30hp, Major +60hp and Superior +90hp, then the prices would be something along the lines of, oh, I dunno, respectively 1k, 100k and 100M (yes, I know the cap is 1M 100k).
Just look at Absorption for Warriors. There -1, -2 and -3 really does make a big difference (still not as much as if it were -1, -3 and -7 or something), the prices are already skyrocketing.
Originally Posted by The Stealth Ranger
Seeing the hostile reactions. Oh yes, just like I figured: only complete idiots would buy it
Your better of using a Shelter/Defence/Elemental defence Mod in your weapon.
Because a small reduction in damage goes a hell of alot further than a sliver of 9 hp.
If you've got nothing left to buy and don't actually care about the look of your character, dropping 100k on a sup vigor wouldn't irk you... and it didn't irk people before.
That's the thing: there's a carrot, but the actual benefit from getting it is very low, hence guild war's no grinding policy (no further comments on said policy). If you chose to use major vigor, you aren't going to be a cripple, but you aren't strictly as powerful as someone running a sup vigor.
Major runes other than vigor, however, are completely batshit retardedly useless.
That's the thing: there's a carrot, but the actual benefit from getting it is very low, hence guild war's no grinding policy (no further comments on said policy). If you chose to use major vigor, you aren't going to be a cripple, but you aren't strictly as powerful as someone running a sup vigor.
Major runes other than vigor, however, are completely batshit retardedly useless.
ShinJin Kahn
Originally Posted by The Stealth Ranger
It's still available at Lion's Arch right now for 40p. But I don't even know what the average price is with human traders, but it should be ridiculous too I guess.
Mandy Memory
Many times that measly 10 health has won me a match/mission/etc. Going down to below 10 health would kill me without it, and, for me, my healing skills seem to recharge when i am below 10
The reason why people buy it is because there is nothing else to spend gold on. Some people keep saying it's "stupid" to buy that rune, but how does 40k gold in the bank help you? That 10 extra hp will (although it's small). Of course if you have other stuff to invest in, such as not having droknar's armor yet, then you should save for that. But after getting droknar's armor and a desert collector weapon, the next logical step to improving your character is the Superior Vigor. Since it's so easy to get droknar's and the armor, all those people who have gotten it is going for the vigor or other minor improvements. That is why there is so much demand and that's why the prices are so high.
all i can really say if you dont like it dont buy it
guess you werent around before the rune trader :/

guess you werent around before the rune trader :/
apparently you didn't play diablo 2 to learn what the hell a single percent can do to the price of an item. geez, the price difference between a 6%, a 7%, and an 8% windforce.
apparently you didn't play diablo 2 to learn what the hell a single percent can do to the price of an item. geez, the price difference between a 6%, a 7%, and an 8% windforce.