Yes, the title says it all, I was lucky to get these drops this week. This auction will run till Wednsesday afternoon.
My IGN is Etterwyn Wanderer. I've traded on here (bought and sold) a few times with no problems.
No reserve, I will sell for whatever the final bid is (I'm easy to get along with).
Ranger Rune: Starting 250g, 250g increments.
Elementalist Rune: Starting 250g, 250g increments
Monk Rune (the new black dye these days...): Starting 2plat, 500g increments
NOTE FOR MONK RUNE: I will take a trade out for it for one thing and one thing only: A shield with 14 or more armor (does not have to be perfect), +30 or more health (enchanted or always), and -2 damage (enchanted ONLY). Strength or tactics doesn't matter, but I would prefer rather low req either way (which is why 16 armor isn't that important). A shield offer will supercede any bids on the Monk rune.
Good luck to all!
EDITED to add: got a couple good drops today!
Major Vigor: Starting 500g, 500g increments
Major absorption: Starting 500g, 500g increments
WTS [Auction] Unidentified MONK, Ele, and Ranger Superior Runes!
5plat for a monk
4k for the pair of ranger+ele
5k on both ranger and ele
ign: lady dagger
ign: lady dagger
6k on the monk rune
IGN: Darknicrofia Monk, Darknicrofia Ranger, Ancient Phoenix
IGN: Darknicrofia Monk, Darknicrofia Ranger, Ancient Phoenix
6k for ele
IGN: Procyon Lotor
IGN: Procyon Lotor
7k ele
IGN: Lady dagger
IGN: Lady dagger
10k on the monk rune.
IGN - Jade Salubri
IGN - Jade Salubri
3k for ranger, also do u have any unid ele runes. i'll buy them off u too.
Fourhundred Meters
Im not rich enough for the monk rune yet....
but the sheild you are looking for (as long as 8 req in tactics isnt too high) is here ......if only i had money
but the sheild you are looking for (as long as 8 req in tactics isnt too high) is here ......if only i had money
11th Hour Bumpage!
Auction will end at 12 noon EST. I will contact high bidders this afternoon. Thanks!
Auction will end at 12 noon EST. I will contact high bidders this afternoon. Thanks!
Seroki Bowman
8k on ranger rune
on after 6:00pm est
on after 6:00pm est