I always told my self that I wouldn't tell anyone this, and a ton of you may already know of this also, but oh well.
This is in the Kyrta mission
and I'm a R/E
I have gotten 3 dyes 2 major runes and so far a spew of minors, I have like 5 unid minors waiting for guild mates because I already have them all unlocked.
one of the majors was a purple drop and another was a gold drop.
What you do is grab piggy, and look at the building next to piggy. go inside the gate and run behind the building.
now here is the tricky part you need to get piggy set up right where you want him, snag your longbow and snipe the hellhound and run up to the part of the path that looks like this
and stand right in the middle of where is crosses, have the hellhound attack you and wait for piggy to come and attack.
hopefully you got the hell hound and the attention of at least one of the rise up mobs, if not you will have to work harder. Once the hellhound is dead like 50 mobs spawn up and charge at you, this is why you need the piggy to be attacking 2 at first, if not he wil charge after them and they will have a path to you. If you do this right they will all group up next to piggy, lay down firestorm and barrages, whatever.
Now is a good time to invest in a Fire String or some holy weapon.
I use
Pen. atack
Lightning reflex
Whirling defense
Conjure Flame
Throw Dirt
If you have a firestring and halfmoon bow, you will be doing near 100+ to everything.
Uhh, there is a chest to the back down the hill. Also if you continue on, you will face a ranger, quickly blind him and kill him, they suck. After that you have a nice group of baddies who don't seem to do anything (honestly). And after that there is a cave with 2 chest and a few more hellhounds.
I know what you are saying.. "Imp, they arn't dropping anything for me." Well you have to reset silly. After you do one run, go sell in ascalon or something, and what I do is port to piken !all something like "Shazbot" then go out of piken and kill one group of mobs, port back to Kryta and do it over again. Don't blame farmers for having to do this either, blame the bots. See all that wonderful chinese in perd rock? Yea well.
Edit: Sometimes they spawn behind you, just kill them. Also if piggy is not set up right they will leak slowly.
Also I got my major vigor from here before they nerfed farming.
The piggy farm.
And one mistake leaves you staring at the hugest pile of decayed orr emblems while mousing over a big grey button which reads "return to outpost"
Invincible pigs... whatever next?
Invincible pigs... whatever next?

old place. not much of a secret.
Originally Posted by Axle_Fieshe
old place. not much of a secret.
Heh, I just tried to solo my way through the north part of gates of kryta. I got pretty far but died at this gate after taking out countless mobs due to poison and degen

Judges Insight + Barrage is much much better here than Conjure.