Min Bid gets meet, item sells, otherwise it stays with me.
Leave IGN so I can contact you when the item is sold. 1 day after last bid on particular item and item ends. Min Increment = 1k under 10k, 2k under 50k
GOLD Max Dam Great Axe of Defense - req 11 Dam +13% above 50% Arm +4
Min Bid 4k
C/O - 0
B/O 10k
Gold Max Dam Cruel Falchion - req 13 Dam +18% while hexed Deep Wound
Min Bid 2k
C/O - 0
B/O 5k
Gold Max Dam Furious Foehammer of Fortitude - req 8 Dam +19% under 50% Furious 8% Health +28
Min Bid 5k
C/O - 0
B/O 20k
Gold 18-35 Furious Ram's Hammer of Fortitude - req 9 Dam +13% over 50% Furious 7% Health +21
Min Bid 3k
C/O - 0
B/O 10k
SOLD! Gold Shield of the Wing - req 11 Tactics Armor 16 Armor +7 vs Piercing
Min Bid 2k
B/O - 7.5k
Gold Max Dam Zealous Hand Axe of Fortitude - req 9 Dam +12% while enchanted Zealous 1:1 (easily changed, probably will do so myself) Health +20
Min Bid 3k
C/O - 0
B/O - 7.5k
Gold Max Dam Sundering Hand Axe of Fortitude - req 11 Dam + 15% in stance Sundering 10:8 Health +29
Min Bid 25k
C/O - 0
B/O - 75k
Might add more as I go along, will try and keep this as up to date as I can.
Laetitia of Yenemi
Lots of Gold Items
Laetitia of Yenemi
Laetitia of Yenemi
prices and items updated.