vampiric sword?
Frankie Fanelli
What does it mean when it says 4:1 vampiric whatnot..i know thats not very detailed but i dont remember what the exact words are. But i dopnt think its that hard to find out. When someone says WTS Vampiric ____ of ____ with 4:1 whatnot what does that 4:1 mean?
Mandy Memory
the 4 is the life you steal when you hit with it (opponent looses 4 you gain 4) and the 1 is the degen you take all the time (the little down arrow pip, comes up to 2 health per second)
max on swords and axes is 3, on everything else that has it, it goes up to 5
and there is no other second i dont know why people bother saying it
max on swords and axes is 3, on everything else that has it, it goes up to 5
and there is no other second i dont know why people bother saying it
Frankie Fanelli
so if i had a 4:1 vampiric sword i would have a permanent life degen of 1?
Numa Pompilius
While the sword is equipped, yes. So you never equip a vampiric weapon until you're in combat.
If you salvage it succesfully, you can make around 40k+ for it ^^
Mandy Memory
If you had a 4:1 vampiric sword you would be the single richest man in the game...concidering the max for swords is 3:1
just use those weapons slots and switch it out when you arent in combat
just use those weapons slots and switch it out when you arent in combat
Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
considering the max for swords is 3:1
Not so, I've seen 5:1 for all the weapons.
Including swords.
Originally Posted by Rahl
Not so, I've seen 5:1 for all the weapons.
Including swords. |
Perfect Vampiric Ratios
Bow Max - 5 to 1
Hammer Max - 5 to 1
Sword Max - 3 to 1
Axe Max - 3 to 1
Well, I've seen people selling them before.. might have been a typo or something.
But I've seen it.
But I've seen it.