About the Search button...
Would it be possible for you guys to make the search button 20 times larger and outline it in a flashing rainbow frame?
LOL - Best idea ever.
They could make "seach button poka dots" all over the screen so you will click it at least once 50% of the time
Great suggestion though.
-If they could have a flag so the first time a person clicks search it links to the FAQ, now that would be alright too.
-A search button link on the new player stick they have in the forums right now might be good too, like...
"If there is someting you just need to know right now, start by making a search right now. "
-In fact maybe something like that well placed on at least one sticky in each forum might help huh?
Just throwing out adjunct ideas cause this is definitely a good idea you got here.
Great suggestion though.
-If they could have a flag so the first time a person clicks search it links to the FAQ, now that would be alright too.
-A search button link on the new player stick they have in the forums right now might be good too, like...
"If there is someting you just need to know right now, start by making a search right now. "
-In fact maybe something like that well placed on at least one sticky in each forum might help huh?
Just throwing out adjunct ideas cause this is definitely a good idea you got here.
Didymus C. Corax
Maybe take a tip from FPS game designers when you try to exit they say "are you sure you want to leave/exit/quit <insert game name here>?" In the case of the furum "Are you sure you want to post?" when they hit yes: "Have you tried the search button first?" if they hit yes: "Are you lying?" if they hit yes: goes to search...or cut thru it all and have the post button linked to search and the search button linked to post...might fix the whole thing...