I need help with soloing underworld.
I know of the Monk 105hp build to solo underworld but is there a build that will let warriors solo underworld or am i gonna be forced to beat the game again? Its not that I mind the story line its the idiots you get partied with. Well ne way thatnks for help.
If it's residue you want to farm, i have stacks of it.
[hands over useless items]
Not sure if warriors can do it.
Perhaps you could party with a great protection healer and duet down there?
[hands over useless items]
Not sure if warriors can do it.
Perhaps you could party with a great protection healer and duet down there?
I'm making the protective bond build as we speak... I'm just hoping the rune prices will go down. Dammit I should've bought them when they were 4k
Prot bond strat doesn't work unless you're a monk main. Even at max (13) prot prayers, bond still takes 3 energy per hit, making every hit a 1 energy net loss if you use balth and essence bond.
That's why I failed when I tried it. There may be other ways, such as bonetti's, that could be worth considering.
That's why I failed when I tried it. There may be other ways, such as bonetti's, that could be worth considering.
It's a lot easier if you're a warrior to just find a good protector/smiting monk to help you out. Unless you want the satisfaction of slaying UW creatures by yourself, swallow your warrior pride and beg the monks to go with you.
Just wait until some disenchanting spells are put in the UW and all of the cash people have spent on those builds will go to waste. 
So many people are doing it now anyway I'm sure the prices of ecto and other things will drop quite a bit.

So many people are doing it now anyway I'm sure the prices of ecto and other things will drop quite a bit.