This is a small auction, and will end tomarrow but will continue of im not happy with the results
1. Composite Bow 15-28 DMG Req 11 CLEAN
2. Horn Bow 15-28 Req 12 CLEAN
3. Ascalon Bow of Defense 15-28 Req 9 mods (damage +15 while health is above 50%) (armer + 4) BLUE
5. Zealous War Hammer 19-35 DMG Req 12 mods (Damage +11% vrs hexed foes) (Energy gain on hit: 1) (Energy regeneration -1) PURPLE
6. Shocking Break Hammer of Warding Lighting dmg 19-35 Req 8 mods (damage +11% while enchanted) (Armer +4{vrs elem attacks}) PURPLE
7. Golden Deadly Cesta 11-22 Req 11 death magic mods (energy +3 while
health is above 10%)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>UPDATE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<
8. Spiked Axe of Axe Mastery 6-28 DMG Req 9 mods (Axe master +12%
chance) PURPLE
9. Hale Earth Staff of Giantslaying energy +9 9-17 dmg Req 8 mods ( improves casting speed useing fire magic skills Chance 18 quick recovery from weakness Health +26 dmg +18% vrs giants GOLDEN
Happy biding Whisper me if u want to Buyout Also Whsiper with an offer and
number r post a reply IGN: Arethin Koan
WTS MANY Bows hammers and gold iteams
Arethine Koan
Arethine Koan
Im not asking much people just anything really