Originally Posted by Zrave
However, I disagree with Ensign when he states that Mastery is utter shit...The hafts are infinitely more useful than the grips, but Mastery, being the only option that even slightly contributes to the offense, has its place in any build that is already sufficiently resilient that attacking it would be a mistake.
Mastery parts are the only ones that contribute to the offense at all, sure - but that contribution is pretty much negligible (1%). Granted, that is still 1%, but that effect is so trivial that I'd rather grab a much stronger effect and work around it - hell, you'd probably be better off grabbing a +30 health upgrade and a Major Strength rune, if you just wanted a slight damage bonus.
I do think that Warriors need to worry about defense, even in PvP. The class basically requires that they run out of healing range just to chase targets, making them vulnerable to spikes on a target of opportunity. Then you take into account other tactics, like running off to solo priests or running flags around in GvG, where Warriors are expected to take care of themselves. Warriors can and do take damage, and extra defense, while not nearly as valuable as extra offense, should still be run simply because the effect is so much more powerful.
+health is also important on Warriors and Rangers as those classes tend to be very willing to give up max HP for more attribute levels from Superior Runes, and that can come back to haunt you if you build up a bit of DP. Lower health = increased value of +HP items.
Now, no, Mastery upgrades should not be completely thrown out because they are the only offensive weapon part. Effect for effect, though, they are an order of magnitude weaker than any of the other options available, and should only be run if there's no use whatsoever for any other part.
(Compared with Sundering, which should *never* be run over Vampiric).