Skill Limit
Okay, a valid question in my eyes. Since there is (was, in beta, at least) a limit on the skills you can get, can you delete some? For example, I get some crappay fire spells for choosing elementalist as secondary profession. I am going towards ice spells and all ranger spells, so I don't want these wasting my room. If anyone knows the answer, it would save me a lot of time and trouble, opposed to going around buying no skills until im an uber level 20.
You cannot unlearn skills (it wouldn't make sense to, either).
There are a plethora of ways to learn skill points, with the easiest being quests.
There are a plethora of ways to learn skill points, with the easiest being quests.
Originally Posted by Vigilante
Okay, a valid question in my eyes. Since there is (was, in beta, at least) a limit on the skills you can get, can you delete some? For example, I get some crappay fire spells for choosing elementalist as secondary profession. I am going towards ice spells and all ranger spells, so I don't want these wasting my room. If anyone knows the answer, it would save me a lot of time and trouble, opposed to going around buying no skills until im an uber level 20.
The bottom line is that you could have a primary character who has experimented with all five available secondary professions. That character will likely have good stock of skills in each of those lines. In fact, that character could have every skill in each of the five available secondaries. The character then, in ways not yet to be revealed, will be able to shift to a different secondary and take advantage of a long history of roleplaying character development.
if you mean on your skillbar simply drag and drop the ones you want while you are in any town or outpost
you cannot change them while out on a mission/quest/explorable area
We have attribute refunds.
We have easy to create PvP characters.
We are told we'll be able to switch secondaries with relatively little effort on our RP characters.
There are no skill refunds.
I see it as a problem- the idea behnid the other choices seems to be "you can't gimp your character" yet at the same time you can "waste" a skill point on a useless skill.
Even worse, we're told that many skills will be available as quest rewards, but we've yet to see what they are. I for one will be upset if I buy skill X at Yak's Bend only to find out I could have learned it for free at Quest Giver Y a few missions later.
It's a puzzling decision based on the "refund-friendly" policy they've adopted for the rest of the game.
We have easy to create PvP characters.
We are told we'll be able to switch secondaries with relatively little effort on our RP characters.
There are no skill refunds.
I see it as a problem- the idea behnid the other choices seems to be "you can't gimp your character" yet at the same time you can "waste" a skill point on a useless skill.
Even worse, we're told that many skills will be available as quest rewards, but we've yet to see what they are. I for one will be upset if I buy skill X at Yak's Bend only to find out I could have learned it for free at Quest Giver Y a few missions later.
It's a puzzling decision based on the "refund-friendly" policy they've adopted for the rest of the game.
Thanks. I was talking about the actual skills (spells). I remembered having like 10 out of 20 left to spend, and I thought that was all that you could spend no matter what... but I guess that increases every level.
The spells/skills you get from a quest or from when you start a proffesion dont take a skill point to learn.