WTS: +29 hp bow grip, upgrades, weapons, etc.
Ok I tried to sort out all the junk I've been holding on to in order to but the best up for sale/auction. I'll keep tabs of the top offers and let this run a couple days. Where possible I've indicated reasonable starting bids. Feel free to leave your input if you feel I've made a mistake. I have no reserve on these items after the minimum bid. This is the auction section1. start 5k
2. start 5k
3. start 7k
4. start 5k
5. start 15k
6. start 10k
7. start 5k
8. start 10k
9. 35k Juliana Mizuhara
10. start 10k
BUY-IT-NOW SECTIONOkay... Here's how it works for the buy-it-now section. I've tried to post reasonable prices for the items I've listed. If you like an item and like the price, then please post here that you'll offer the said amount for the item and then contact me in game to pick up your item. If you feel that a price is too high, feel free to make a lower offer; however, I retain the right to accept or deny it. This is a first come first sever basis so please post here that you would like the item before contacting me in game and if you are the first to post then rest assured the item will be saved for you. I will check the postings before selling an item. I will update inventory periodically. I will also keep updates of what has been sold and what is still available. In game I can usually be found on Kronk Killemall or Saurisan Dakesdaein.
1. 1k
2. 5k
3. 1k
4. 1k
5. 1k
6. 1k collector's item
7. 1k
8. 5k
9. 500g
10. 1k
11. 1k
12. 2k
13. 1k
14. 5k
15. 1k
16. 5k
17. 500g
18. 500g
19. 500g
20. 5k
21. 2k
22. 2k
23. 500g
24. 1k
25. 1k
26. 3k
Thanks for browsing and have a nice day!
daily bump
-updated t/o on the bow grip
-added the Buy-It-Now section
-updated t/o on the bow grip
-added the Buy-It-Now section
I'll offer 800gp for #7 on the buy-it-now section (Poisoner's shortbow of fortitude) Purchased!
IG Name: Ferret Murviedro (euro servers)
IG Name: Ferret Murviedro (euro servers)
30k on 9
daily bump
updated t/o on the bow grip
Ferret - I'll prolly sell the bow to ya for 800 but I'll let the Buy-it-now section stand a lil longer and if no one buys it for the askin price then it is yours.
updated t/o on the bow grip
Ferret - I'll prolly sell the bow to ya for 800 but I'll let the Buy-it-now section stand a lil longer and if no one buys it for the askin price then it is yours.