PC on Max Damage Purple Zealous Stormbow of Fortitude and Rare Defensive Water Staff
Salvage that staff. Defensive head is better than fortitude(er, hale in this case), in many scenarios. And that's a max head. If you get it, I'd wager it'd be possible to sell it for a good deal.
Blue Steel
I'd give you 2K for the staff head and suspect you could sell the purple storm for about 20K (max, excellent low req, purple, but no inherent damage mod), but I don't need that myself.
Blue Steel
Yes, the market for storm bows is dropping fast because everyone is doing solo underworld runs to get them now. It is so easy to solo the UW with the right monk configuration that storm bows are no longer that valuable. 10K may be the best you will get, and my guess is the prices will continue to drop.
Levi Garett
The +5 Head should fetch around 5k. I think 2k is low but that's just me