Being able to dye your armor is great, but what if there was an option to add a texture or pattern to it? Say maybe a denim texture, paint ball splashes, or maybe even shimmering sparkles.
For example: Enchanter's armor for Mesmers is sexy, but kind of plain right? What if you could add Shimmering sparkles to it or turn that silk into a denim dress? Hey, now we're talking! Or maybe something less serious like seeing a warrior with paint ball splashes Maybe it would be nice for monks that don't go all Ascetic's to be able to add a dragon pattern to their pants...The possiblity's are endless!
Of course I also thought since you can mix and remove dyes, why not textures and patterns? Of course there should a be pattern remover so if you like color but not the style, so you don't waste 9k on that black dye!
This idea would give users a way to customize their armor in such a way that you may never see two of the same styles again!
Adding texture/patterns to Armor
so long as they were a little more realistic ... i mean denim ? paintball splashes? you must be seriously kidding about this. more realistic to the world we play in ... tyria ... maybe the idea might be worthit ... but brass knuckles and gold teeth can stay at home.
Originally Posted by stumpy
so long as they were a little more realistic ... i mean denim ? paintball splashes? you must be seriously kidding about this. more realistic to the world we play in ... tyria ... maybe the idea might be worthit ... but brass knuckles and gold teeth can stay at home.