Hi i'd like to get a price check on my axe
Hand Axe
6-28 (req 8)
10/10 Sundering
Also i was wondering if i should replace the +29hp with a perfect axe mastery grip (20%) but didnt know if that would reduce its value, would it? Someone said that those grips were good and was wondering if i should...
thanks in advance
PC max hand axe (req 8) 10/10 AP, +29hp 15>50
sinisters chaos
UMM NO hp+29 IS A LOT BETTER I wil buy this for 75k respond on this thread yes or no
75k... lol
I sold a axe like this without the upgrades. 15%>HP 9req. and it went for 200k. Sometime last week this was on the Sell forum; and the auction went up to 250k. It was just a clean 15%>HP 8req. Yours is nicely modded so I'd say around 280k range.
As for the upgrade, I'd leave it as it is.
As for the upgrade, I'd leave it as it is.