New guilds are being formed on a daily basis.
Many of them have NO intention of ever getting a Hall and/or doing and GvG.
I'd like to see guilds enter the Guild Ladder after they have GvGed at least once.
I mean, why do we have so many guilds ON the ladder if they never move from thier 1000 rating? All this does is makes it so that a guild that might lose a match too many (or lose thier FIRST match), slip to a 3000-5000 rank... a situation which can make it difficut to keep players in some cases.
I don't think this particular change would be so hurtful to game play and it might even help a few guilds gain more players (which could help them boost thier rating!)
If a guild isn't even interested in GvG, then not being on the ladder shouldn't bother them either.
Suggestion about the Guild Ladder
emil knight