I'm trying to clean out my storage and my characters, I might end up giving away some of these to my friends if they aren't worth much. Thanks!
PC check on a few weapons/upgrades
Druids Arrow
2. Zealous Bow String is worth about 500 gold. Don't know the others sorry.
Salvage that barbed upgrade from the falchion and ill buy it off you- ign Hammer of Hell
that gold longbow is worth some cash. It can still be modified... I'd check with some of the bow guys around here... maybe run an auction on it.
Add a decent string to the long bow or sell as is. The shadow bow is worth crap, 500-1K. Adding a mod to it doesn't negate the fact it has no dmg mod. The hammer is not bad, maybe 10K as-is or salvage the sundering and sell for 20-25K.