07 Jul 2007 at 04:59 - 51
I like the concept, but not so much on the specifics.
Here are my suggestions:
Add a Records NPC - to track individual members Luxon/Kurzick Transfers. This would add a competitive aspect to, what is in all aspects, just a grind. You sign your name to transfer the factions, why not actually KEEP A RECORD of the transfers. The Records NPC would also keep track of gold donations to the guild by members to the Guild Treasury (described below).
Guild Treasurer - you go to this NPC and donate gold to the guild. This money can be used by Guild Officers to pay for the recruitment fees (100g per invitation issued), purchase NPCS for the guild hall, change the Guild Cape, purchase a new Guild Hall (GL only), and rewards for Faction Transfers (described above). If you are an officer inviting someone to the guild and do not have 100g on you, it would automatically deduct the gold from the Guild Treasury. The Guild Leader would have to speak to the Guild Treasurer after he was purchased for the hall and give him instructions. For instance, if you don't want to reward Transfers, you chose 'No'. If you want to pay out 100g instead of 1k or 5k instead of 1k, for 5k Faction Transfer, you would select this. By default, that would be set to '0'. If you don't want the 1k for the Transfer of Faction, then you don't go to the Treasurer NPC after you have transfered your Factions. It will allow you do 'cash in' until you leave the guild hall. If you don't do it right after you transfer and you then leave the guild hall, then you can't come back later to collect the cash. If there are no funds, or insufficient funds, then you get nothing, and all the options you would be able to use had the funds been available would no longer work until more funds were transferred in.
Priests for Each God - For one, the Balthazar Factions would have to be 're-worked'. The easiest approach would be that you could 'devote' x amount of Faction towards a specific God to create 'Favor' with them. Balthazar would still be used to unlock mods, warroir skills, and all runes- all things related to war and the preparation for it. Priest of Grenth, for example, would teach Necromancer Skills, Lyssa - Mesmer, and so on and so forth. After you had unlocked everything for a specific God you would then be 'deemed worthy of the God's notice' and would then be able to unlock quests from them.
-An example: After you unlocked everything from the Priest of Balthazar, he could give you a quest: Go forth and prove your mettle in battle in My Name (win x amount of Glad pts in RA/TA - you would still get them towards your title track and lose nothing, the difference being you won them in Balthazar's name) - earn x amount of Factions in any form of combat of your choice (bank x amount of Faction in any PvP Arena) - Go to (a PvE Area) slay this boss (or do this action), bring me back X item, and I will reward you. (He gives you a PvP Item a Weapon, Armor Piece, or Shield - with unique skin/name - power of item related to difficulty of quest). At the completion he will give you a more difficult quest with a greater reward - tying into other parts of the game already in play (like, Go forth and Vanquish the Continent of Tyria, or Gain the Rank of (whatever Rank 5 is for Fame), so on and so forth. It should be tiered so that it would take a LOT of time and effort to proceed upwards and forward. Could also have rewards such as PvP only SKills, which would just be skills already in play, just modified. Like Grenth at some point could give a reward for a quest as a re-named Flesh Golem (renamed to something like 'Grenth's Avatar') perhaps even modify the stats from the Flesh Golem slightly to do something unique like 'each successful attack causes a random condition' etc.
My thoughts on other aspects of previous suggestions:
Guild Vault - will be abused no matter how you work. No, to that.
Guild Games - maybe something simple, but no gambling.
Tavern - no, this serves no real purpose - it doesn't hurt anything, in the long run - but I find it a frivolous use of Hall Spaces.
Guards - in the smaller halls, NPCs already clutter the place up, why add more clutter? When you aren't in a GvG or Scrimmage, you don't need guards - unless you want to make the Halls Exporable Areas complete with crits that randomly spawn and come walking in - maybe in the Kurzick guilds Luxon NPCs will randomly spawn and 'invade' your hall (and vice versa). You can't hurt or attack them and they don't drop anything, but you can 'watch' your Guild Troops defend the base. By default, the home team always wins. Of course, if you are trying to hold a Guild Meeting or organize a GvG, it could be somewhat distracting.