hi i've been playin guild wars for about 2 days now i have a few questions
could some1 plz tell me what toa, uw and other initials mean?
where is fissure and where can i get the 15k armor pieces?
ty for ur time
hlp a noob out
Originally Posted by dusta
hi i've been playin guild wars for about 2 days now i have a few questions
could some1 plz tell me what toa, uw and other initials mean? where is fissure and where can i get the 15k armor pieces? ty for ur time |
fissure is after you have done most everything else
edited thanks for correction in later post
this might help
Cecilia Blanka
Temple of ages = Toa
A place north of Lions Arch (City in the middle of the map)
To get into the Underworld (uw) or fissure of woe, you have to be a ascended level 20 character, and your server has to have the favor.
Then go to the Temple of Ages, there you can enter UW/Fissure.
The 15K armor places are called: Granite Citadel, and Marhams(or so) Grotto
Those areas are deep in the Shiverpeak Mts.
You get there after you have come to the dwarven City: Droknars forge.
All this would be easier if you look for the world maps.
You can contact me in game
Cecilia Blanka
and enjoy GW its the best
A place north of Lions Arch (City in the middle of the map)
To get into the Underworld (uw) or fissure of woe, you have to be a ascended level 20 character, and your server has to have the favor.
Then go to the Temple of Ages, there you can enter UW/Fissure.
The 15K armor places are called: Granite Citadel, and Marhams(or so) Grotto
Those areas are deep in the Shiverpeak Mts.
You get there after you have come to the dwarven City: Droknars forge.
All this would be easier if you look for the world maps.
You can contact me in game
Cecilia Blanka
and enjoy GW its the best
Omega Complex
ToA = Temple of Ages
UW = Underworld (**Please Note** You CANNOT do the UW and FoW quests unless your respective country has the favor of the gods. If you are in ToA and the balth statue is o fire, then you DO have favor. If it is not then you DON'T have favor)
FoW = Fissure of Woe
LFG = Looking for Group
WTS = Wanting to Sell
WTB = Wanting to Buy
ROFL = Rolling on floor laughing
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
et cetera ad infinitum....
Some class specific abbriviations:
WoP = The Necromancers "Well of Power"
WoB = The Necromancers "Well of Blood"
Prot = Refers to a monk who is primarily a protection monk
Interrupt mes = Refers to a mesmer who primarily casts interrupt spells on enemies to prevent them from casting spells
Lockdown mes = Refers to a mesmer who primarily "locks down" an enemy effectively preventing them from casting in the first place
et cetera ad infinitum...
Fissure of Woe is a zone you get taken to from ToA by talking to the Champion of Balthezar, Underworld is the same thing except you speak to the Voice of Grenth. You can get the 15K armor peices in the Granite Citadel, Marhans Grotto, and Fissure of Woe (as far as I know, somone correct me if i'm wrong)
As for getting to the Temple of Ages, many people run from a variety of different cities. For most people the first time it requires alot of running and a skilled runner that knows where and where not to go.
Please, if you have any more questions, let me know, my IGN is to the left under my avatar. Have fun gaming!
UW = Underworld (**Please Note** You CANNOT do the UW and FoW quests unless your respective country has the favor of the gods. If you are in ToA and the balth statue is o fire, then you DO have favor. If it is not then you DON'T have favor)
FoW = Fissure of Woe
LFG = Looking for Group
WTS = Wanting to Sell
WTB = Wanting to Buy
ROFL = Rolling on floor laughing
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
et cetera ad infinitum....
Some class specific abbriviations:
WoP = The Necromancers "Well of Power"
WoB = The Necromancers "Well of Blood"
Prot = Refers to a monk who is primarily a protection monk
Interrupt mes = Refers to a mesmer who primarily casts interrupt spells on enemies to prevent them from casting spells
Lockdown mes = Refers to a mesmer who primarily "locks down" an enemy effectively preventing them from casting in the first place
et cetera ad infinitum...
Fissure of Woe is a zone you get taken to from ToA by talking to the Champion of Balthezar, Underworld is the same thing except you speak to the Voice of Grenth. You can get the 15K armor peices in the Granite Citadel, Marhans Grotto, and Fissure of Woe (as far as I know, somone correct me if i'm wrong)
As for getting to the Temple of Ages, many people run from a variety of different cities. For most people the first time it requires alot of running and a skilled runner that knows where and where not to go.
Please, if you have any more questions, let me know, my IGN is to the left under my avatar. Have fun gaming!
I find a lot of new players don't know these either:
PuG = Pick-up Group
MOBs = Creatures/Monsters
AoE - Area of Effect (in reference to spells/attacks)
PuG = Pick-up Group
MOBs = Creatures/Monsters
AoE - Area of Effect (in reference to spells/attacks)
GW = Guild Wars usually
thx alot to those who posted, kk now one more question can some1 plz show thye way to the temple of ancients, e.g writing it own, cropin a mask and pointin to toa(ans show an arrow from where to start to toa. thx alot
I have found that is easiest to get to the temple of ages by starting from Fisherman's Haven. You are a higher level when you get to fisherman's and it is also way easier as far as mobs go. Look at the map on this site to find fisherman's haven, It's south of ToA and north of Ring of Fire.