*GOLD fiery chaos axe of warding SOLD in game - 20k
6-28 (req. 12)
dmg +18% < 50%
armor +6 vs. elemental
Price check-
*Stone Summit Sheild
16 Armor (req. 8 tactics)
Recieved dmg -2 while in a stance (no percent *all the time* when in a stance)
WTS good chaos axe and need a price check
Bloodlust Warrior
its not all the time, its only when you're in a stance, and since the most useful/popular stances gives you 75% block it almost makes that mod useless.
you meant +18% dmg < 50, right?
Just pointing out that I presume you mean 18% under 50% health for the chaos, as 18% over 50% health doesn't exist, and that the symbol for less than is '<' not '>' as you have put. Just to make sure there is no confusion. Free bump ^
edit: kleps pwned me
edit: kleps pwned me
Alpha Moth
6k for axe
IGN: Kalyn Deathsong
IGN: Kalyn Deathsong