Two builds with two questions...

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


goal: pvp blend of conditions and dmg
stats: 10+2 axe, 7+1 str, 9+1 tactics, 10 curses

penetrating blow
Axe Rake
Executioner's Strike
Victory is Mine! {E}
Plague Touch
Rend Enchantments

goal: pvp blend of energy draining, shutdown, anti-non caster
stats: 10+2 inspiration, 9+1 fast casting, 7+1 domination, 10 curses

Energy Tap
Energy Drain {E}
Ether Feast
Plague Touch
Rend Enchantments

Both are geared toward 4v4 since in that size of a match/event, things are usually a little easier to manage. I was told that res sig is teh 'default' skill for anyone regardless of class in ANY pvp setting. What I don't get is, if res sig is so good, why can't anyone kill anybody? Especially since that res sig is going to cost you a tiny bit of extra dmg which could be used to kill them.

I for one don't believe too highly in teh ressurection signet. Can anyone convince me what skill to chuck in either build to bring it? I've talked to lots of people and discussed builds for a while but I've never been told of a flaw being no Res Sig in pvp.

So what's with these whiners saying noobs don't bring res sig? Last I checked, noobs usually died first... Or bring mending... Or have no battle system... whichever occurs...


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005


The fact is in 4vs4 you have no gurantee of what people their are going to be. Lets say your an interupt mesmer yet their is no casters on the other team what then your character is basically useless. After all mesmers are targeted first usually. So if you have no monk your only heal would be ether feast or things of that nature which would make you an easy target so dieing first does nto make you newb. For rez sig it has helped me win many times in random arena. The fact is is like an extra person on the team. If that person dies bam he is back up again now they have just wasted time and energy on taking out a target and again he is back up.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


meh, i never find a great loss in offensive capabilities whilst taking a res sig, in arena at least. tombs i daresay id like to go without. but its mainly the icon...... it makes all the cool purple icons look tainted.
vim!, but the only condition your giving is deep wound and cripple. and they are both big adren costs. apart from that your relying on plague touch, which in arena is reasonable, but meh. I dont know whether vim! is worth is in all honesty.
rend, woo!

i suggest for that one taking out axe rake.

second one, is a nice mix. but take out faint. enfeeble is more useful. then you got res sig on both. maybe tap out for arcane echo or backfire, either one is good. depends which way you want to swing.

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


If I'm half nec on any build I make, I ALWAYS bring Rend...

NEVAR leave home without it ^_^.

For the first post, if you're the first target due to being a mesmer, then obviously he forgot to bring some anti-warrior/ranger up in his skill bar. My build that I posted in the OP was designed to deal with most any situation for the most part... Faintheartedness should be chucked? I like the combination of degen and slow attackspeed. That and it lasts hella long... It's odd, without hex/condition removal, I can easily tank a single warrior and never have to move. But when 3 jump on me, yeah, that's when I wish I brought Shadow of Fear and Enfeebling Blood instead. Bah... ^_^

Good inputs though.


I forgot to mention why I like Victory is Mine! so much. It adds both hp and energy... the ENERGY is the key to this skill. Unlike Warrior's Endurance {E} which allows runners to escape leaving you with a useless energy elite, Victory feeds your two major forms of doom. Swift Chop and Plague Touch. If any 2 skills in my eyes have the BEST synergy in existance, I'd vote for Victory is Mine! + Plague Touch. If there are no conditions on you and you don't see yourself recieving any anytime soon, then CHOP your enemy in the neck with this unblockable undodgable skill... ^_^ If you're blind and bleeding, then use Plague instead. But without Swift Chop in the opening post, you'll just use the energy for later. Not a biggie. Pene. blow and exe. strike are good skills to just have.