Anyone else hoping for that Massive summer update tomarrow?!
Well i dont know if im the only one but i would love it, becuase i have to go back to school next week and with Ap classes Im going to have no time for GW or any other games..Alas poor MMORPG i knew thee well

Yes! I would love to have the new areas soon.
I think it's going to be released sometime after they announce the winners of the Brand the Boss contest, since those names are going to be in the summer content patch.
Levian Lain
I predict around the 10th of August.
No, not really.
I figure it'll be either the 10th or 17th of August. I expect tommorow to be the lag-fixer.
dont forget to call the year, because its a software release!
They haven't even released "the state of the game" statement yet, if it's still even going to be released. Fat chance of new areas tomorrow.
Don't care at all...
for my part they launch it in september as long as its fun to play O^.^O
Don't care about the new zones, I just want my them to update my goddam 15k tormentors armor!
I hope they come by friday as I have stuff to do next week and won't be able to play then.
Go here for a really fun free game:
Go here for a really fun free game:
Couldn't care less to be honest.
I just hope the "summer update" comes out before fall... August 13 or thereabouts sounds possible... I can wait...

I hope it doesn't because I will be gone the 4th to 8th. Yes I'm selfish.
I think anyone who expects the update tomorrow is being extremely optimistic (almost unbelievably so to me, but then I am a natural cynic).
no i hope it never happens
Reiden Argrock
I would guess the 10th because it's A-net and NC soft, but because it's a computer game it probably won't be till the 17th
Originally Posted by Yen-lo-wang
I figure it'll be either the 10th or 17th of August. I expect tommorow to be the lag-fixer.
hahahha....by then, most of the people will be playing Dungeon Seige 2....great timing Anet, just like your expansion coming next year, after all the other MMO will be out Nov and Dec of this year.
Winds of Blood
Im disappointed because I hoped to play these maps for the "summer" update , not while im in school again.
Some of us old fogeys work full-time anyway... so, please take your time, Anet. Summer, Fall, Winter... makes no difference to me!
I'm still having a great time playing the game as-is, because it's hard to burn out on a game you are NOT able to play 24 hours a day. I have no complaints.
Have fun at back-to-school time, kids!
I'm still having a great time playing the game as-is, because it's hard to burn out on a game you are NOT able to play 24 hours a day. I have no complaints.
Have fun at back-to-school time, kids!
For anyone that cares, the official last day of Summer is Sept. 21. So, with the announcement of the winners of the Brand the Boss contest on Aug. 10, which then have to be added into the new content and the end of summer being Sept. 21, I would look for the update anytime between Aug. 17 and Sept. 21.
P.S. - The lag problem is not able to be fixed with a patch, it's not due to the
P.P.S. - Burn out does occur from playing 24/7, I'm approaching or at the 1000 hour mark and still have fun playing, but then I know how to immerse myself into a game and enjoy it for what it is.
P.S. - The lag problem is not able to be fixed with a patch, it's not due to the
P.P.S. - Burn out does occur from playing 24/7, I'm approaching or at the 1000 hour mark and still have fun playing, but then I know how to immerse myself into a game and enjoy it for what it is.
Yes, it will come tomorrow.
But tomorrow never come!
But tomorrow never come!