Now, the pvp part of guildwars styles itself as a team-based arena combat, very much like many fps games out there. However, there's one thing that makes those games fresh and exciting that's missing in GW - varied maps!
Granted, fps games usually have player-made maps so they can easily have a large amount of variety and creativity, but I think the point is, creative maps can add a lot to the variety, strategy and fun.
Here's some thoughts:
- Remember the PVE mission Dragon's Lair? Why not have some similar arenas/Tombs maps/GvG maps? Areas that have various sorts of environmental effects, degen, random earthquakes, slow, etc.
- Most of the pvp maps are pretty similar to each other in design. They should add more different ones - Why not narrow mazelike corridors to benefit melee? Large open spaces with many pillars to hinder projectiles? High Hills and walls with open areas to help rangers? Areas with slowing rivers and lakes?
- We already have maps that encourage defensive play around a set area. Why not some maps that encourage aggressive play? (eg. an island that's slowly being overrun by lava, with the terrain being randomly but gradually covered. Teams have to battle it out to stay on an ever-decreasing amount of safe land.)
- Maps that encourage splitting off into smaller groups, and having 1v1 or 2v2 sub-battles? (eg. a map that has several corridors that must be assaulted and defended simultaneously)
I think if we had more different types of maps and gameplay, there would be less complaints about certain very powerful defensive builds, as other types of strategies would be more useful on other maps.