Wedding Event
I would love to if ArenaNet will add new events such as Wedding Event.
In Wedding Event, there are some requirements to be fulfilled to achieve this event. Something like u should have enough gold to pay for the arrangements. This would be a good addition for gold sinking.
These are the things that is required that can be bought for gold:
- Bridal costume
- Groom costume
- Wedding Cost
- Others [such as cake/flowers/etc...]
The event will be scheduled and announced to all players (like how HoH winner is announced) so anyone who's interested can watch (if the couple allowed uninvited to come) and they can offer a gift to the couple. There should be a new place for this and is divided by District per Couple.
The couple has the option to not allow uninvited players to join (for someone may create unnecessary distractions and/or to decrease audience). If the couple doesn't allow un-invited players, they should give away Invitation Letter items (something like Quest Item) to those only they want to come.
Gift Offering
Offering a gift should not use the traditional Trade system but something like Put-a-Gift-In-This-Box system (just like how Xunlai Agent system). Any gift items should have a new desciptrion added like "Wedding Gift given by <player name>". This offering will surely affect community relations. The items given will stay to their Wedding Box (working title).
Wedding Box (working title)
This will work (like how Xunlai Agent works) and is shared by a couple.
Features of being Married
* Instant Transportation - activating this will instantly make urself travel to your partner. I think it would be good idea if u can join the quest/mission where ur partner is questing in the behalf of those who left.
* Wedding Box - another Xunlai Agent and is shared by couple. A good feature for the gold u've paid.
I'm still thinking of new features. New ideas/tweaks are welcome. This just for now.
In Wedding Event, there are some requirements to be fulfilled to achieve this event. Something like u should have enough gold to pay for the arrangements. This would be a good addition for gold sinking.
These are the things that is required that can be bought for gold:
- Bridal costume
- Groom costume
- Wedding Cost
- Others [such as cake/flowers/etc...]
The event will be scheduled and announced to all players (like how HoH winner is announced) so anyone who's interested can watch (if the couple allowed uninvited to come) and they can offer a gift to the couple. There should be a new place for this and is divided by District per Couple.
The couple has the option to not allow uninvited players to join (for someone may create unnecessary distractions and/or to decrease audience). If the couple doesn't allow un-invited players, they should give away Invitation Letter items (something like Quest Item) to those only they want to come.
Gift Offering
Offering a gift should not use the traditional Trade system but something like Put-a-Gift-In-This-Box system (just like how Xunlai Agent system). Any gift items should have a new desciptrion added like "Wedding Gift given by <player name>". This offering will surely affect community relations. The items given will stay to their Wedding Box (working title).
Wedding Box (working title)
This will work (like how Xunlai Agent works) and is shared by a couple.
Features of being Married
* Instant Transportation - activating this will instantly make urself travel to your partner. I think it would be good idea if u can join the quest/mission where ur partner is questing in the behalf of those who left.
* Wedding Box - another Xunlai Agent and is shared by couple. A good feature for the gold u've paid.
I'm still thinking of new features. New ideas/tweaks are welcome. This just for now.
Sagius Truthbarron
Scheduling The event will be scheduled and announced to all players (like how HoH winner is announced) so anyone who's interested can watch (if the couple allowed uninvited to come) and they can offer a gift to the couple. There should be a new place for this and is divided by District per Couple. |
Deathbladez and Lillith Omgzorz are getting married at Lion's Arch wedding Dis 4 on monady 6pm CST! Please attend!
Chuck and Dave Healblade are getting married at Yak's Bend wedding Dis 4 on saturday 6pm GMT! Please attend!
I will Pwn and Morgan U are getting married at Borliss Pass wedding Dis 1 on wednesday 2am PST! Please attend!
Heal Or and Bubbles Monk are getting married at Sardaliac Sanitarium wedding Dis 1 on wednesday 2am PST! Please attend!
Perhaps we need a special "Wedding Chat" tab? O.o Or atleast something to turn Weddign and HoH announcements off? That would be nice.
Perhaps no wedding announcements at all because 99.9% of the population wouldn't care at all

Night Daftshadow
wow, you really thought this through. crazy!
Sagius Truthbarron
Maybe a message board some place that could show every wedding taking place in the game..
Ashley Twig
You forgot the baby shower

in another game-conquer online, you can get married, share a house(extra storage)and get extra exp when adventuring with your spouse.dont matter what sex you are either.
No in game romances, please!
Go kill each other in pvp or something, thats always romantic.
Go kill each other in pvp or something, thats always romantic.
Why dont you stage one? Serious suggestion...i have seen synced dancing, why not a staged wedding? You could invite ya guild, and stuff, get someone to conduct the ceromony, and people can sit about. I'd go and watch!! ya really only need a few guests, a groom, a bride, and a monk.
Damon Windwalker
*eye roll*
Chrisby Pwns
Thats possibly the dumbest idea Anet could possibly implement. ha weddings.
Originally Posted by Sagius Truthbarron
... something to turn ... HoH announcements off? That would be nice.
No thanks.
Can I have more gaming content instead?
Can I have more gaming content instead?
Snuk the Great
If anyone of my guild would get merried ingame... I would laugh at him and I would defenetly not waste my time on comming to same fake wedding where two sweaty guys pretend to love eachother...
If you realy want to do one of these fake weddings, go ahead, just dont bother me with it...
If you realy want to do one of these fake weddings, go ahead, just dont bother me with it...
You might think this is crazy but there is actually one MMORPG have it. In SkyBlade (a hack n slash MMORPG), at certain level u get married and there's even honeymoon. Then u get a kid to raise, buy armors and weapons (kinda like a pet).
I think this feature is for those couples who plays together. Yea, I knew someone plays it together w/ her wife (or his hubby).
I think this feature is for those couples who plays together. Yea, I knew someone plays it together w/ her wife (or his hubby).
Good itea but think about this (this sound like a game call Conquer Online)
1. Most of the girl character are guy players
1b. if that's true, it's scary
2. If they do get marry, out there may be ppl trying to scam you like "can I borrow 2 plat for rune?"
3. If there is marriage, there need to be divorce but again with the scam thing. Once marry, get item, divorce
know what I'm saying?
1. Most of the girl character are guy players
1b. if that's true, it's scary
2. If they do get marry, out there may be ppl trying to scam you like "can I borrow 2 plat for rune?"
3. If there is marriage, there need to be divorce but again with the scam thing. Once marry, get item, divorce
know what I'm saying?
Yup. But everyone knows that it might happen right? So they have the responsibility to whom they gonna get married with.
Or how bout for both sexes, substitute it w/ "Best Friend". Same features as Wedding but no different approach? Its for those who doesn't have partner to be wed with.
Or how bout for both sexes, substitute it w/ "Best Friend". Same features as Wedding but no different approach? Its for those who doesn't have partner to be wed with.
A money sink, at the very least, which is what many people have been crying for.
Or you could just buy the Sims 2
Its more fun to see how big a playboy you can be! Lets see, in one day I hit on a babe and made her my sims girlfriend and even scored! Then while she got in the hot tub after the maid came by and I flirted and scored with er BUT alas my sims g/f walked in and was so mad!
With still enough time in the day left i made up and scored with her again, then made him do it again after and over and over till he was exhausted and hungry. I allowed him to go the the fridge at like 4am to eat but he passed out on the way. The next few days I repeated his "scoring" till he died from being over-s3x3d! LMAO!!!!!

Its more fun to see how big a playboy you can be! Lets see, in one day I hit on a babe and made her my sims girlfriend and even scored! Then while she got in the hot tub after the maid came by and I flirted and scored with er BUT alas my sims g/f walked in and was so mad!

With still enough time in the day left i made up and scored with her again, then made him do it again after and over and over till he was exhausted and hungry. I allowed him to go the the fridge at like 4am to eat but he passed out on the way. The next few days I repeated his "scoring" till he died from being over-s3x3d! LMAO!!!!!
Edge Martinez
Originally Posted by Kakumei
A money sink, at the very least, which is what many people have been crying for.
Instead of Wilbur from Little Rock (aka Macho Warrior) and Bubba from Toledo (aka Sexy Kitten) wasting the developers time on code so they can get married online...

It's the Feed Edge Fund or FEF for short. It's simple and prestigious. At any time, feel free to contact me in game and give me money not to be less than 10 platinum. At that point, I will type in public chat, "(Person) gave me 10 plat ROFLLMAO!!!1", where ROFLLMAO is an affectionate term. It takes less time than a wedding and will cost you less in the long run.
Ashley Twig
Originally Posted by Chenkito
1. Most of the girl character are guy players
1b. if that's true, it's scary |
We have gals playing boy character too. Is that scary?
It's roleplaying. Let people play whatever role/sex/profession they want.
Originally Posted by Ashley Twig
What's scary about that?
We have gals playing boy character too. Is that scary? It's roleplaying. Let people play whatever role/sex/profession they want. |
well, i have played in games what have marrages. tried hard to gey hitched, 3 times in fact, in one of them, but kept getting a problem between DM attending the wedding ceremony times and my real life ^^
but there, it was simply a set of indestructable rings and a DM that conducted a simple ceremony here they talked, and the couple repeated the lines and everyone came to watch...
afterwards, a single message went out in DM chat so everyone in the game saw, that 'missgamer and othergamer had just been married, congrats to the happy couple!' and that was it.
why? simple....humans often require company, and if your friends arent on, and your guildies are out, who can you hang out with? your Spouse ^^
if this is not done by the Devs, do it yerself ^^ get together in a town or map, ether group up, or just go to a single area and conduct a ceremony ^^ if your all in the same guild, go to yer hall and do it ^^
theres no reason why anyone should be called to task or laughed at for getting hitched ina game, as i know at least 2-3 marrages that happened in REAL LIFE because they got hitched in a game. would you deniy these people thier sweeties cause they found them through a game?
Shame on you...
but there, it was simply a set of indestructable rings and a DM that conducted a simple ceremony here they talked, and the couple repeated the lines and everyone came to watch...
afterwards, a single message went out in DM chat so everyone in the game saw, that 'missgamer and othergamer had just been married, congrats to the happy couple!' and that was it.
why? simple....humans often require company, and if your friends arent on, and your guildies are out, who can you hang out with? your Spouse ^^
if this is not done by the Devs, do it yerself ^^ get together in a town or map, ether group up, or just go to a single area and conduct a ceremony ^^ if your all in the same guild, go to yer hall and do it ^^
theres no reason why anyone should be called to task or laughed at for getting hitched ina game, as i know at least 2-3 marrages that happened in REAL LIFE because they got hitched in a game. would you deniy these people thier sweeties cause they found them through a game?
Shame on you...

It would give me something to do! I am a Monk in game and out of the game, I am SERIOUSLY considering becoming a Reverend in my Church.
All the power to you!
It would give me something to do! I am a Monk in game and out of the game, I am SERIOUSLY considering becoming a Reverend in my Church.
All the power to you!
Snuk the Great
Realy, I find all of this realy frightning... Maybe this says more of me then about you guys, I dont know, but I realy wonder how can I be outnumbered in this :S.
I'm a guy who plays a girl character for the simple fact I'd rather view her cuteness then stare at some hunk of muscle or some other form of male figure the other classes have.
As for weddings... would both characters have to share their gold and set up a budget? I know I had to after my real life wedding.
As for weddings... would both characters have to share their gold and set up a budget? I know I had to after my real life wedding.

lol...usually, its just a special event.
course, in Fable you had to keep yer wives and spouses (yep, you could get yer guy married to another guy in that ) from meating eachother, which sawnt to hard if you kept it down to 1 spouse per area
theres no reason why you would have to marry a memeber of the oposite sex, in real life or in game (menaing, if you were a guy that played a girl, you wouldnt be forced for your girl to marry a guy char)
and sometimes, who cares ^^. so long as your charaters and your players get along, it can be for fun or if your lucky, like real life, like the 2-3 couples i know of that married in real life *after* doing it in their fave games
course, in Fable you had to keep yer wives and spouses (yep, you could get yer guy married to another guy in that ) from meating eachother, which sawnt to hard if you kept it down to 1 spouse per area

theres no reason why you would have to marry a memeber of the oposite sex, in real life or in game (menaing, if you were a guy that played a girl, you wouldnt be forced for your girl to marry a guy char)
and sometimes, who cares ^^. so long as your charaters and your players get along, it can be for fun or if your lucky, like real life, like the 2-3 couples i know of that married in real life *after* doing it in their fave games

Originally Posted by FrogDevourer
No thanks.
Can I have more gaming content instead? |
Amen brother. I didn't spend my $50 to play another Sims-like game.
I know this would be optional and all, and it really was a nicely, thought-out idea. But lets be serious. This is Guild Wars, not the Loveboat.
Damon Windwalker
Originally Posted by Squizzard45
This is Guild Wars, not the Loveboat.
Originally Posted by gwchyros
I would love to if ArenaNet will add new events such as Wedding Event.
In Wedding Event, there are some requirements to be fulfilled to achieve this event. Something like u should have enough gold to pay for the arrangements. This would be a good addition for gold sinking. These are the things that is required that can be bought for gold: - Bridal costume - Groom costume - Wedding Cost - Others [such as cake/flowers/etc...] Scheduling The event will be scheduled and announced to all players (like how HoH winner is announced) so anyone who's interested can watch (if the couple allowed uninvited to come) and they can offer a gift to the couple. There should be a new place for this and is divided by District per Couple. The couple has the option to not allow uninvited players to join (for someone may create unnecessary distractions and/or to decrease audience). If the couple doesn't allow un-invited players, they should give away Invitation Letter items (something like Quest Item) to those only they want to come. Gift Offering Offering a gift should not use the traditional Trade system but something like Put-a-Gift-In-This-Box system (just like how Xunlai Agent system). Any gift items should have a new desciptrion added like "Wedding Gift given by <player name>". This offering will surely affect community relations. The items given will stay to their Wedding Box (working title). Wedding Box (working title) This will work (like how Xunlai Agent works) and is shared by a couple. Features of being Married * Instant Transportation - activating this will instantly make urself travel to your partner. I think it would be good idea if u can join the quest/mission where ur partner is questing in the behalf of those who left. * Wedding Box - another Xunlai Agent and is shared by couple. A good feature for the gold u've paid. I'm still thinking of new features. New ideas/tweaks are welcome. This just for now. |

sounds ok, but i don't like the idea of every tom,dick, and harry telling me to go to their wedding or im a square... but aside from that it sounds ok.. one more quick thing though, the "shared storage" idea could lead to some problems..
anyways, sounds ok to me, but i would not use it, im not in this for the weddings..
I clicked on this thread expecting to not like this idea, but after looking at the benefits you outlined, I like it.
Edit: Not the announcement thing, that'd be pretty annoying...
Edit: Not the announcement thing, that'd be pretty annoying...
I like the wedding idea...think it would be fun. As far as announcements? Mmm...maybe a wedding message board in the church area or something. I'm wondering how others games that have this option do it?
Could two male characters or two female characters wed?
Snuk the Great
I am against the whole wedding idea, but if it is implemented it should also enable 'gay' marriages. Disabling them would just be another way of racism. Though I do think this might create a massive amount of Female-Female marriages, but this might wear of.
I have created a new guild named Marraige Services. The name kinda explains it. I will mary any ingame characters at my wonderful guild hall. You can invite up to 90 guests to attend. We offer all kinds of marrage packages including gift bags for the guests, 2 bottels of dwarven ale for each guest, a website were you can sign the couples guestbook, and many other services. WE have many pricing packages from as little as 10K for a simple service with 5 guests. To a 100K+ package with 90 guests with alchol for them and gift packages and your selection of the guild hall you will be married in. We also provide a full package of screenshots of the ceremoney and after party. PM me if you would like to here more and set up a wedding time.
Sentao Nugra
Originally Posted by EmperorTippy
I have created a new guild named Marraige Services. The name kinda explains it. I will mary any ingame characters at my wonderful guild hall. You can invite up to 90 guests to attend. We offer all kinds of marrage packages including gift bags for the guests, 2 bottels of dwarven ale for each guest, a website were you can sign the couples guestbook, and many other services. WE have many pricing packages from as little as 10K for a simple service with 5 guests. To a 100K+ package with 90 guests with alchol for them and gift packages and your selection of the guild hall you will be married in. We also provide a full package of screenshots of the ceremoney and after party. PM me if you would like to here more and set up a wedding time.
please look at my thread in riverside and Sentao I need a few employees for the wedding so either PM me your AIM screen name or PM me and we can dicuss a position.
Snuk the Great
And here a new industry is formed, right before my own eyes... Can someone wake me, I seem to be having a nightmare :P.
Fox Reeveheart
oh please lord zeus, almighty zeus in the heaven and clouds, NOOOOOOO!
I don't mind the marriage thing o.o, though I would be against it cause I wouldnt be able to get a wife anyways >.>, if i cant have one! nobody can!
But really though... the fact he has already made a guild on it and already put this into play....... its time like this he needs to go listen to foamy the squirrel to have some sense knocked into him.... its sickening..
I don't mind the marriage thing o.o, though I would be against it cause I wouldnt be able to get a wife anyways >.>, if i cant have one! nobody can!
But really though... the fact he has already made a guild on it and already put this into play....... its time like this he needs to go listen to foamy the squirrel to have some sense knocked into him.... its sickening..
lol I have FoW armor on 5 characters (2 accounts), every thing unlocked on 1 of them and all skills unlocked on the other, 500 black dyes, 250 ectoplasm, 500 shards, more other materials than I know what to do with, and items with a market price of 1000K+ lyeing around. I don't need the money it just seems that if people want the service than they should pay for it and I have to pay my crew and about 40-50K of the price is for the guild hall switch along with paying for the gift baskets and ales.