Ok, i am selling following items and will keep this open until around midnight tonight and will keep it edited with current offers.
I reserve the right to NOT sell if i feel the prices offered are not high enough, or indeed reasonable.
1) Gold Sundering Composite Bow of Enchanting
dam 15-28 (req. 13 marksmanship)
damage +14% (vs hexed foes)
Armor Penetration 10% (9% chance)
Enchantments Last 16% longer
2)Gold Fiery Twin Hammer
Fire Dam 19-35 (req 8 hammer)
Dam 13% (while health above 50%)
3)Gold Ornate Buckler (req 8 tactics)
16 armor
+42 health (while hexed)
4)Gold Stone Summit Shield (req 9 tactics)
16 armor
Recieved Dam -3 (while hexed)
Recieved Dam -2 (in stance)
5)Purple Shield of the Wing (req 9 tactics)
16 armor
Recieved Dam -1 (in stance)
6)Purple Shield of the Wing (req 12 tactics)
16 armor
+15 health (in stance)
7)Purple Wooden Buckler (req 10 tactics)
16 armor
+14 health (in stance)
8)Fiery Sword Hilt
WTS many items ......
Darlington Fc
Darlington Fc
erm ... bump, Italian style.
come on, someone must want to buy one of those luvverlee shields..
come on, someone must want to buy one of those luvverlee shields..
bid 250g on #8
ign bobby bilbo
ign bobby bilbo