this channel is dedicated to forming pick up groups, some of the guilds thus far idling in here include hO (thundercatz), Nu (nuclear launch detected), BE (blood eagle), EP (eternum pariah), Wa (ward against noobs), and various other hardcore pvpers. Come on in for discussion as well.
and oh yeah, xenos is not invited cuz hes gay.
sB can get in on the action if they want. i mean, theyre alright and all, i mean, brioni is pretty gay. so is paladin. dont forget about fighter henchiman. hes uber queer. i sell sigils is nice.
IRC channel for PUGGING w/ top tier guilds.
Sagius Truthbarron
Is this a joke? I'm in Tombs with Xenos right now
yes. a hilarious joke. ahahaahahaha (whats funny?)
would be cool if true.
would be cool if true.
O_o Okay, I already have #GWPUGs set up for this exact thing, perhaps you could jump in that instead. I have plans to get it endorsed by the admins of this forum and then hand ownership over to them.
arent BE an Nu dead?