'Immolate' Skill
Another question: can anyone tell me where the skill trader i can get immolate from is? I think i've seen other elems my level (20) using it, so i must have missed it somewhere along the way. I have got as far as the Amnoon Oasis / Elona Reach / Seeker's Passage / Augury Rock area, so if it is really much further on in the game i can get it, say.
Grendich Courthouse, north of Nolani Academy. Phoenix is there too.
And in the future you can check the skills listing from the main menu on this site - it allows you to select primary/secondary classes and lists all skills. Then just click on the skillname link and it typically gives you the location of where it can be obtained (ie Skill Trainer/Npc quest)
OK, thanks for the help, sorry i didn't look through the site well enough first. I bought phoenix from GC when i was there ages ago, no idea why i didn't pick up immolate. oh well, off i go. thx.