does anyone know where to get cheap dye? i dont care what color, i just want some really cheap-free, like is there a monster that drops it more often than other ones?
thanks in advance
im doing this for my monk, i hate that blue color the armor starts with
Mugon M. Musashi
dyes drops are random
best thing to do is kill a lot of low level monsters
because you kill them easily and can do it quickly
I heard someone say the black dyes drop best in the catacombs, but I'm not sure about that...
best thing to do is kill a lot of low level monsters
because you kill them easily and can do it quickly
I heard someone say the black dyes drop best in the catacombs, but I'm not sure about that...
Nope, it's random.
You can probably buy some off other players for better prices than the dye trader, but make sure you check her prices first.
For some reason--my belief in randomness still unshaken!--there seems to be a preponderance of silver dyes dropping.
You can probably buy some off other players for better prices than the dye trader, but make sure you check her prices first.
For some reason--my belief in randomness still unshaken!--there seems to be a preponderance of silver dyes dropping.
I can tell you that black dyes drop in Wizards Folly, I know this because my warrior has recently left the pre-searing with 2 black dyes.
I started a warrior last weekend who's picked up several dyes pre-sear, which now take up way too many of those precious pre-sear inventory slots.
a pre-searing monster would drop something worth 3 golds. A common dye costs about 100 golds give or take. So, 30 monsters and you got a vial .