PC - Storm Bow, req8, 15-28, 11>50%, purple
If i get some offer i like, i may sell it.
Blue Steel
I like it and might buy it from you. Max storm bows used to go for 30K, but since everyone and their dog are doing solo UW runs now days, the prices have dropped a lot. I'd give you 30K for this one though, since its purple with an inherent damage mod. I might be able to give you more, even, but I'm not positive of its value myself.
So you think this cant go for more than 30k? Thanks for your opinion. 30k is nothing nowadays so I am 100% sure that i wont sell it.
30K is a good price maybe 40K. Blue Steel hit the nail on the head. Everyone is soloing UW, so the number of these available keeps increasing