hi last night i heard about farmin gryphons, which part of the dessert can u farm them?
could u also tell me other good farmin sites?
farming areas
Right outside of augury rock, head into prophets path area, make the first left, and take that out into the open, contains bout 20 giffons, and a few bosses. One of the best farmin areas around. Have fun, lol, be sure to bring a monk along b/c your a R/Me, w/o the right skills, you can die easily.
Druids Arrow
You should search the forum for places to farm. There have been many threads like this, which usually end with people flaming the OP since no one wants to give up there farming spots.
However, I recently went on a drake run with a warrior the other day and got 1 gold and 3 purples in like 40 mins. I think it was just outside destiny's gorge, but I don't remember.
Anyway....happy farming
However, I recently went on a drake run with a warrior the other day and got 1 gold and 3 purples in like 40 mins. I think it was just outside destiny's gorge, but I don't remember.
Anyway....happy farming
thx alot i also have a W/mo20 and would also like to know what skills i should brg and what order i should use them in?
thx alot fer the advice
thx alot fer the advice
Algren Cole
read the skill descriptions....bring the skills that are most effective for what you want to accomplish....others can't play the game for you
And if you don't want to create your own build, once again (twice in the same thread), use the search button; I remember seeing a thread about a W/Mo solo build few days ago.