I just got my GW game and when I went to install it, it got abouot 3/4 of the way and stopped! I have all my firewalls letting it play but it still wont load can anyone help me?
myrai tamara
Just disable them completely for this. I had to do that for mine. Even when it allowed them, it froze at about 2/3.
i did that and it still did not work got any other suggestions?
Zone alarm is bad when used on the same comp as GW
It completely raped my connection, id get times where id lose connection for up to 20 seconds, and trust me its a horrible 20 seconds
It completely raped my connection, id get times where id lose connection for up to 20 seconds, and trust me its a horrible 20 seconds
I run ZA all the time... no problems whatsoever. I also check its logs frequently to make sure my PC is secure.
i finally figured it out i switched from AOL to a different ISP and it worked!!!