Now this isnt just a complaint thread about being ripped off, dont get me wrong here. I like the extra stuff included with the CE, but this is a genuine problem...
After installing 2 weeks back i instantly noticed that my character didn't have any kind of "special glow" (divine aura) as what i was expecting from the blurb on the back of the box, but i figured it was something only other players could see on my toon so i happily played along. After i found out from a fellow player (and the forums here) that it's only a hand glow that works during certain emotes, i immediately tried LOADS of them out... but to no avail, my divine aura is apparently broken.
My question is, has anyone else experienced a lack of aura from their collectors edition, and if so how did you fix it to get yours working? I searched the forum but didnt see any similar threads, which makes me worry that i'm the only one with this problem .
More Collectors Edition Woes
bump- 40 views and not one reply, surely someone has had this problem before or knows how to fix it?
I'd contact anet directly, but i'm guaranteed to be fobbed off by an automatic response =(. Looks like its going to be my only option huh.
I'd contact anet directly, but i'm guaranteed to be fobbed off by an automatic response =(. Looks like its going to be my only option huh.
What is your system specs and has the aura ever worked?
The specs are pretty irrelevant because i can see other peoples auras (i guess i should have mentioned this), its just my own that dont show... as if its not enabled. It makes me wonder if my cd key was misprinted :/. Thanks for replying though
I've emailed anet, awating a response.
I've emailed anet, awating a response.
Do you know if this is a problem with other users who purchased the CE?
I heard that you could turn it off. did you try /aura or /collector
You should try sending an e-mail to ANet, they'd most likely be able to help you.
How so I install the DIvine Aura? Do i need too install the hole shit again or what?!
Cause there is no CD or nothing for Divine Aura in my box x|
Cause there is no CD or nothing for Divine Aura in my box x|
It works off of the CDkey. certain CDkeys unlock the effect. Stop warezing.
So, where is the "certain cdkeys" cause the only CDkey i gett is the one on the install CD cover :S
(onito) It's the standard cd-key. If you install the CE and use the key with it, it should work. If you have the standard edition and use the key, no aura. If you go out and buy the ce you can add the ce key to your current account and get the aura. Divine aura as well as the pre-order items are attached to your account when you enter the keys for them.
(tda) Try this:
Log in, go to edit account
Check mark manage access keys (click next)
Under "extra features list" you should see Divine Aura listed and any pre-order unique items on your account.
Check to see if it's listed, If it's missing or there and no glowing hands during emotes, I would contact / wait for response from Tech support.
(tda) Try this:
Log in, go to edit account
Check mark manage access keys (click next)
Under "extra features list" you should see Divine Aura listed and any pre-order unique items on your account.
Check to see if it's listed, If it's missing or there and no glowing hands during emotes, I would contact / wait for response from Tech support.