i have a question concerning the last mission.
but first a short story..
today i did the thunderkeep mission with a PUG (my first time for that mission).
with one leaving but nobody dying we did beat it on the first run.
i heared it is supposed to be very difficult, and so i was puzzled when two of my teammates confirmed this, saying they are stuck at the mission for 4 days...
since we did so well most of the team decided to stay together. we hired two new players, and began the last three missions.
always in the first try (and only with mhenlo for healing [earth magic is great! ] we succeded and went straight to the end.
now comes the problem...
the final boss is supposed to be killed on that stone, but everytime we killed him on the stone he just "reappeared" with full health.
i would simply assume he was not in the right position, but we killed him 4 times, and everytime he did stand right in the middle of the stone...
is there anything else to pay attention to?
does this respaning happen when he is not in the right position?
it was pretty frustrating, after our great teamwork being unable to finish the mission, because he would not die...
but at the same time being pretty sure you did everything right.
the only good thing was i "killed" someone in a cutscene i wanted to stick a dagger into the whole game! :P
i tried not to spoiler anything, and it would be nice if nobody answering would do so. i also was not sure in what forum this topic beelongs... exploration guild or questions.
but since i really hope it was a bug (:P ) i post it here.
last mission, unspoilered
Personally my pugs have gotten :him: to such low slivers of health that just in the time to save himself he moves /such or calls more :things: out
I hope that was a bug
I hope that was a bug
he has to DIE in the MIDDLE of the stone. You're supposed to kill him 3 times all in the middle. if you kill him outside or not in the middle you'll not finish the mission.