Don't run these people. They don't pay. PLEASE add your names to the list.
X Were Ma Biches X (Could we report his name to A Net BTW?)
Add your non payers to this list with a screen if possible. He didn't pay 700 for the agreed run to Augury from Amnoon. He agreed to price, I was cheaper than the guys charging 1k for the same thing too, so... I will provide my screenshot with proof once I upload the pic to my website.
Thanks, and please keep the running service honorable, and post the losers who don't pay's names.
Runnig Blacklist
Brendon Stormcrow
Brendon Stormcrow
Note: I put this thread here because this is where the running services are advertised. Sorry for spelling mistake too.
Levi Garett
I personally like this idea, but I don't think it's going to fly with the mods.
And I think you can delete the thread yourself and just re-create it.
And I think you can delete the thread yourself and just re-create it.
Name: Almighty Hobo
Guild: KTGC
Run: Beakons To Droknars
Scenario: Asks for 1k upfront then enter loaranors (sp) laughs at you, dies, then leavs to attempt again
hope nobody else falls for this
Guild: KTGC
Run: Beakons To Droknars
Scenario: Asks for 1k upfront then enter loaranors (sp) laughs at you, dies, then leavs to attempt again
hope nobody else falls for this