selling 3 shards for 1 ecto
ryan jarvis
i could use as many ecto as possible i have around 100 shards
ryan jarvis
i said i have 100 shards not ecto
ryan jarvis
ur a moron quit posting
yamyam of swad
will somebody get rid of this tosser!
ryan jarvis
me? or the other guy posting?
I Laughed Last
not you, the guy that totally screwed your thread, and started many unwanted other ones, all in the span of 20 min
yamyam of swad
Originally Posted by ryan jarvis
me? or the other guy posting?
other guy sorry.
him, but u broke forum rules too by posting more than once per 24 hours in ur own thread
I Laughed Last
comparably, thats small potatoes to the crap chuntaya is pulling off
Add High Chuntaya [^^] to your ignore list too by clicking here.
I second that, he is a damn dirty scammer. Doesn't even try to hide it..
Please read the "Trade thread general guidelines" about posting multiple auctions.