Is there any easy way to tell what type of bow the collectors ascalon bows are, other than using them and comparing stats?
If there is not, is there anywhere where someone has made a list of the types of the collectors bows?
Thanks for any help.
Collector bow types
In Mineral Springs is a collector. He gives you a max dmg Ascalon bow. I think he needed "Feathered Avicara stuffs" but I'm not sure.
I know where all the collectors are (well, most of them). I just can't tell the difference between the different Ascalon Bows on offer. I've seen people say that this one is a Composite Box, and that one is a Longbow, but I can't see how to tell the difference, and would like to know, as my list of which bow is which type is very incomplete.
Thanks for the help anyway.
Thanks for the help anyway.
I know right now that the collector in mineral springs that takes mountain troll tusks has an ascalon bow that is a shortbow. The collector outside of augry rock has a longbow version of the ascalon bow.
As for figuring out which type is which, test the range first, then watch the re-fire rate, and if needed test the arc of the bow (how high the arrow flies). For some good bow information:
As for figuring out which type is which, test the range first, then watch the re-fire rate, and if needed test the arc of the bow (how high the arrow flies). For some good bow information:
Originally Posted by Paine
In Mineral Springs is a collector. He gives you a max dmg Ascalon bow. I think he needed "Feathered Avicara stuffs" but I'm not sure.