Starting bid on the hammer is 8k. Everything else you guys bid on. Auction will close August 6th-12 a.m est.
Gold Shocking War Hammer of Fortitude-Lightning Damage19-35-+19% health below 50%-Health+25 (Hammer Req. 8)
Purple Spiked Axe-Slashing Damage 6-28 (Axe Req. 11)
Crippling War Axe-Slashing Damage 6-28-Lengthens crippled duration on foe (Axe Req. 12)
Purple Defensive Smiting Staff of Charrslaying-Eneregy+10-Light Damage 11-22-Armor + 4-Dmg+13% vs Charr (Smiting Req. 10)
Sword Pommel of Fortitude-Health + 20
Bow Grip of Marksmanship- Marksmanship + 1 (10% chance with skills)
Contact me in-game at Strong Fist, for questions, comments, or info!!!
WTS 1 Gold Hammer/Purple Axe/Purple Staff-and other weapons/upgrades!
Strong Fist
Strong Fist
Oh and staff opening bid is 2k.
Please read the TRADE FORUM GUIDLINES Posted here. Do not post in your thread inside of 24 hours