WTS Gold Weapons

Emerald Mist

Emerald Mist

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005


These weapons are all gold and deal max damage.

#1 Fiery Dragon Sword of Swordmanship (Sold in game)

8 req
Fire dmg
+12% dmg all the time with en -5
15% Swordmanship+1

B/O = 25K
(PS:who whispered me about this sword in game, I am sorry that I forgot ur ID, plz contact me again)

#2 Barbed Windbalde Sword of Enchanting
10 req
+12% dmg above 50% hp
Lengthen bleeding duration on foe
18% longer enchanement

#3 Cruel Gladius of Enchanting
8 req
+13%dmg above 50% hp
Lengthen deep wound duration on foe
16% longer enchanement

#4 Ebon Hand Axe of Warding
10 req
Earth dmg
+13% dmg vs hexed foe
Armor +6 vs ele dmg

B/O = 8K

#5 Shocking Break Hammer of Warding
8 req
Lighting dmg
+15 dmg below 50% hp
Armor +6 vs ele dmg

B/O = 6K

#6 Icy War Hammer of Hammer Mastery
11 req
Cold dmg
+14% dmg above 50% hp
18% Hammer mastery +1

C/O = 12K
B/O = 16K

#7 Ebon LongBow of Markmanship
req 10
Earth dmg
+20%dmg below 50% hp
15% Marksmanship +1

B/O = 8K

#8 Barbed Long Sword of Fortitude (Sold in game)
req 9
+13% dmg while in stance
Lengthen bleeding duration on foe

#9 Zealous Storm Bow of Warding
max dmg
+13%dmg w/enchanted
+6 armor vs ele
energy +1/-1

I reserve the right to not sell if the price is too low

Please leave the contact information and the offering price.


Emerald Mist at US server

Thailii Monkey

Thailii Monkey

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

Manchester, UK


if number 6 is the spikey kind 12k



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Austin, Texas, ya'll.


4k on #8

<- IGN's

Emerald Mist

Emerald Mist

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005



adding one more bow

#9 Zealous Storm Bow of Warding
Max dmg
+13%dmg w/enchanted
+6 armor vs ele
energy +1/-1



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu] www.teamlove.us

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