Wts Shield +45 Hp (enchant) -2 Damage (enchant) Omg?
The Fenixxor
only drawback is the armour, and i guess that its blue but anyways
Will accept bids in ecto's, if its worth that much i aint sure cos of the armour.
1 ecto = 11k
Happy Bidding!
Hmmm good collector item 500 po
The Fenixxor
Whats PO?
Dude...its good that u accept ectos for 11k. but u won't even get a ecto.. not even 1/3rd of it.
The Fenixxor
in response to coolguy i believe i said that in the initial post though very friendly your post was...
Also *extremely dense* does 4 armour make that much difference?
Also *extremely dense* does 4 armour make that much difference?
Ancient Eyes Collector, I think.
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