Question about expertise...
I'm making a quickshot ranger, but was just wondering, is 13 expertise the optimum? or 14?
13 expertise would give you a 52% drop in energy cost. 14 would give a 56% drop. Since both are likely to result in a percentage of a point of energy and it appears that the game doesn't track partial points and just rounds down to the nearest whole point (2.875 = 2) 13 is the closest to giving you a 50% drop 14 is a waste of a attribute points. 15 on the other hand would result in a 60% drop, which given that each skill has a cost of that is divisable by 5, involves no rounding and simply makes your skill cost 2 points for every 5 it originally cost (5 = 2, 10 = 4, 15 - 6, etc)
Hmm...doesn't the game mechanics make the numbers round up though? Because I keep getting responses of 14 is optimum..while some say 13 is optimum.
The numbers round to the nearest energy. You're going to want 14 Expertise to power your Tiger's Fury.
Lord Malikai
8 is fine :P
My mistake, I thought it just truncated
Hell Marauder
What is optimal really depends on your build. What's optimal for one isn't optimal for another. You can spam tiger's fury with 8 expertise. 14 expertise to me is a waste, and should be put in marksmanship and wilderness survival. Unless you are a trapper or a disruptor ranger, which warrants 14 because of high energy expenditure.