How do you get retail if preordered?
i have the preorder gw and i was in some beta weekend events. i want to know how i can get the real version with my same chars/guild. I dont have anything that came in the pre-order box... i kind of lost it
As long as you have the pre-order key tied to your e-mail account, you won't need anything from the pre-order box. Just get the game when it releases, plug in the retail key onto the same e-mail address and you'll retain your characters.
Ren Falconhand
do you still have you receipt/ pre-orderbox?? If so then just take it to the store where you pre-ordered. The account will save your guild/name so when you input the retail key on the 28th it will all be there plus your item(store dependent) the guild is tied to the account so if you delete the char the other/new character will still be in the guild.
We have a preorder thread stickied. Please read that thread first, and if your question is still unanswered, direct your question there.