CornerStone Guild


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


Not much to say here. We are a top 20 Guild without a doubt. We have already made it there in Beta, and will continue to be there in retail.

If you think you will stick with the game for a while, and enjoy competitive PvP Cornerstone may be the spot for you. We are a trial basis guild, so it may take a day or three for you to be accepted as a member if you have the talent.

We use ventrilo, a voice chat program, to stay organized and bounce ideas off one another. We are all pretty funny guys and gals, and would love to find more personalities to mesh with ours.

Europeon gamers are very welcomed to join as well, to even out our player base. We want to slowly get to an even number of great American, and Europeon gamers, so everyone within the guild always has someone to group with whether it be, PvE, Tombs, or GvG.

Being the last chance to interest and reach out to the dedicated few guildless, or soon to be guildless players before retail, we hope to find some good recruits. Good luck, and see you on the battlefield. We are also on IRC at channel #cornerstone
Nico Sharp



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

As a friendly gesture from My guild... I would advise you to cut you thread title down. In the rules for this thread that they added awhile ago, They said you are only allowed to have the name of your guild as the title.

So, For example, The thread title for my guild would be 'Lacerta Priscus'


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


thank you sir, just edited it


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005


even if you are already are in a guild. Please come visit our website, post on our forums, and get in contact with us so that we can group with you in game.



on a GW break until C4

Join Date: Feb 2005

In your shadow

Servants of Fortuna

One bump per week and no more, as per the board rules.
Thread closed for 7 days.