The 32 Minute Fight

Kai Nui

Kai Nui

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Behind you with a knife

Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]


Liek Oh eM Gee!

We were down one man the whole fight, we just held out until I messed up and died <lol> seeing as they had 2 monks and we had nothing to stop them, I was just healing myself and whom ever was taking damage, and we did great, it was the best loss of my life. Spanning just over 32 minutes, I was in disbelief lol.

I took more pics during the fight cause it was so long, so if anyone's interested in seeing those too, I'll gladly show. I cut out names for privacy and stuff for size. Enjoy =)

Mario 64 Master

Mario 64 Master

wats going on

Join Date: Jan 2005

Trumbull, Connecticut

Nuclear Launch Detected [Nu]


Usually I leave matches like that if they last more than 15 minutes because it's pretty much just a waste of time.

Good thing you blocked those people's names out, I was thinking about hacking their accounts. I guess I can't now if I don't know their names.




Join Date: May 2005

East Texas

Were you fighting 'Liquid Paper Guild'?

Kai Nui

Kai Nui

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Behind you with a knife

Celebrity Gangsters [FamE]


Originally Posted by Mario 64 Master
Usually I leave matches like that if they last more than 15 minutes because it's pretty much just a waste of time.

Good thing you blocked those people's names out, I was thinking about hacking their accounts. I guess I can't now if I don't know their names. lol yeah exactly why I did that

and SOT- you're exactly right! you must have ESPN or something! liek oh em gee.

Eh, well seeing as this is my 3rd post on these forums ever, and this is my first topic, I thought I might as well say something on it's pathetic-ness.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jul 2005


(Soon to be) Descendants of Ascalon


You can hack accounts?!?! Hey could you hack my account? It got stolen, and I'm waiting for Arenanet to get my acct back. (My cousin had some keylogger on his comp and didnt' know it) If you don't believe me, I'll foward some emails proving that its mine... How about it

Medical Mechanica1

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005

none and lookin


lol theres a screen on a pvp that went on for like 65 minutes and evryoen just stopped fighting and started dancing and hanging out lol