Mineral Springs Endpart
Anybod know what this is for? Possible update to UW/FoW lookalike map??
ORRR.. It could just be a statue of Lyssa.
nope, the statue is behind me. Its a portal looking thing, with whiziing sound or some sort. I was just curious about it...
November Raine
um...looks kinda like a beacon that has turned itself over...but hey this is just like a "whats this ink glob look like to you?" kind of deal
Judas Hawksriff
did you step into it ?
I aslo found this, there is also another one on the other side, sadly though I dont know what they're for, maybe for a future expansion?.
But they eminate a pulse sound and it's puzzling to know if they have a use
But they eminate a pulse sound and it's puzzling to know if they have a use
It's the Seer's spaceship.
try kneeling or something that always works
try kneeling or something that always works
Looks like that claw thing from the arcades that you try to grab beanie babies with.

tried EVERYTHING, all the emotes, with favor and not
nothing :P
probably is really his spaceship
nothing :P
probably is really his spaceship

you need to have me in your party for it to work and teleport you to the borg homeworld. to activate it, you must throw all your ectos and shards into it!

I seen before it. Looks like a storm beacon that's fallen over to me.
I thought you guys would know that the third world was behind there..

looks like a storm beacon ....
Medical Mechanica1
well guild wars does have sum awesome enviroments